NEW CAT MOUNT on the blizzard store for $25!

Usually they wait a while to put new mounts on sale.

Itā€™s cute and Cheshire-ishā€¦but why a cat?

Unless portions of the sale are going to like, I dunno, some ā€˜save a catā€™ program, I will pass.

Itā€™s nice, odd choice for a war type mount but whatever, itā€™s niceā€¦just why a cat?

Every paladin ive met has been chaotic stupid.


stares at 30 ft ogre with 5 other 30 ft ogres behind them

And then they charge in and the group has to clean up the mess.


Youā€¦ You shattered my dreams. Dashed my hopes.

You broke meā€¦


Any1 else remember the Mystic Runesaber? The timing on this one is even worse.

Iā€™m sorry. I also wait for them to go on sale. Because they are a bit too pricey for me.

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That mount is named Sargeā€¦they Trilanni said Squeakers not Sargeā€¦

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yea but he talked about getting the new one, so I assumed he meant sarge.

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Squeakers came close to meeting my threshold, but wasnā€™t cute enough. I mentioned the promo from hearthstone and how I might just have to do it to get a close variation though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Me tooooo!

My heart wants Hogrus and is likeā€¦ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :smiley:

But my bank account is likeā€¦ :joy: :rofl: :sob:


Donā€™t they already make plenty of money via the subs and expansions? Charging for items on top of that is ridiculous. Spending ~$15/mo for 1.5 patches this year (plus the cost of the expansion) and then buying a $25 mount on top of it? I guess you do you. :man_shrugging:

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why is this massflagged


This the mount for the 6 month subscription people?

ā€œThey always have pets and mounts that have been out for at least 2 years on some sort of sale. Although sometimes, itā€™s just 10%.ā€

Thereā€¦ fixed that for you. I would be AMAZED if this thing went on sale this xmas season. They JUST RELEASED the thing.

You know Nintendo just released a new Switch? Like 2 weeks ago. You think that thing is going to be on sale this xmas??? lol lol


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Creating a better environmentā€¦

$25 at a time.

  • Bobby Kotick

No its a store mount.

Really someone flagged Clark for real life threat for this thread . How much of a pathetic

loser do you have to be to use real life threat as a reason to flag this post . Well who ever it is or was I hope they perma ban you .



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I mean, it does to me.

If I can spend an in-game currency on it, then itā€™s an in-game store as far as Iā€™m concerned.

Imagine flagging a blizzard mount forum
On a blizzard website
In front of blizzard