NEW CAT MOUNT on the blizzard store for $25!

Speaking of how do I join? I can’t find it on search

How dare blizzard makes money as a for profit business

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I was hoping for a Catillac or a Furrari, but this will do. :wink:


NGL I would feel somewhat conflicted putting down $25 or buying two tokens to buy the broom mount.

I would absolutely buy it, but boy it would feel weird. At first.

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Yup, how dare they take the easy cop out rather than put effort into making their playerbase happy! I’d say I’m surprised, but I’m really not.


Will this kitty mount be part of the 50% off Christmas sale coming up?

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Nope, was a mistake NP, long night, 3am here. Least I admit to my mistakes and not keep doing them over and over like some people.

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Gotta have your witches cat before witches broom clearly!

I mean. It’s a fluffin cat. Not a tiger. Not some fantasy thing. A cat. The world is ruled by cats. Cats are people pleasers. Its a very smart move to distract us. Easy to do for the art team while the number crunchers work on the ‘invisible’ fixes everyone so dearly craves.

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Yeah, people will eat it up. You’ll see the cat everywhere for a while.

Awww cute…not sure if I’ll buy but cute nonetheless

Me too! I want a black recolor, black cats are so cute and it would fit my characters better.

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Oof. That sucks. I hope you can get some sleep! I’m sorry you’re so tired. Lord knows I screw up all the time when I’m tired. We all do. It happens. No biggie. :purple_heart:

There’s a difference between being mad at the art team who has had these banked for a while… and being mad at the gameplay devs who actually create your content.


Why would blizz try to make engaging and fun content or release patches at expected frequency ?

They can just release a mount on store and make enough money to not care. Brilliant business plan.


Oh a linx kitty!

Art team = \ = content team


Looks like my birthday is coming early :laughing:

This seems to be a difficult concept for people to understand.

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