NEW CAT MOUNT on the blizzard store for $25!

You have it backwards, the next expansion’s partially completed already and they probably stole that cat mount to throw it on the store lol

Judging by the number of comments that just say “/spit” it appears that the fans of a certain streamer are out in force.

Looks like a great mount for a female Draenei.

The new cat mount looks awesome!

That said, I really dislike the trend over the last 8 years or so with store mounts.

In WoW’s earlier days, the most awesome looking mounts were a mark of status. Players had to earn them by completing quests, mythic raids, high-level pvp or just having great luck.

When you saw someone on an awesome mount you admired and envied that player. Not just for how awesome they looked, but in admiration of their achievement.

Nowadays, Blizzard reserves all the best-looking mounts for the in-game shop. They look great, but there’s no sense of admiration when seeing someone on a mount. Instead there is just a feeling of “oh that player cheated”. And if you buy a shop mount there’s always some guilt over having done so.

I miss the old days when awesome mounts were a mark of status. Nowadays, it feels like Blizzard is putting a higher priority on cashing in over gameplay. I’m not surprised WoW is shedding players and seems to be in freefall.


Yay, more microtransactions that take away from the actual game.!!

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Get your sensible post out of here. I need to buy 60 of these to help keep retail afloat.


You can be part of the murloc spot and have a mount too if you drop your temper tantrum


I dunno… I mean if they really wanted to, they’d add it as a 1% in a lootbox. But they are purposely keeping lootboxes out of wow while their other ips have gotten them.

i expect nothing less from you.

Right? I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks this thing is a little suspect, especially with those eyes. The more i look at them, the more freaked out I get.

/moo :cow:

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100% this.

I don’t know who designs these but they must think the 8 second bull ride is a natural riding motion that can be sustained indefinitely.


Why can’t it be a broom? They’d already have my money.


You dont have abs of steel?

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No problem.

After riding this mount for a month, those abs of steel will develop themselves! :smiley:


TBH the main reason I won’t be buying it is its lack of wings. I really don’t like flying mounts that don’t have wings. They just look wrong.

Oh I’ll be getting it - I have the crazy cat man/woman title so this will be a fitting match.



“We’re losing more and more subs, what should we do?”

“Release a store mount. That’ll make up for the sub loss.”


I’m the opposite. I despise random wings that come from nowhere as an excuse to fly. I much rather enjoy the sparkles on my Friendship Moose feet and my glowy Zodiac doggo feet.


I hate buying mounts from the WoW store, but this is going to be an exception. Absolutely love this mounts design !

It is cute, but it feels off.

I will probably buy it when it is on sale for half price.