NEW CAT MOUNT on the blizzard store for $25!

I’m gonna have both on my favorites at all times.

Your eyes even match!

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Some Gnomes tried to invade my Garrison. I’ve decided I’m going to give the Gnome Prisoners to this mount as a F̶o̶o̶d̶ err I mean chew toy.

Quoting this before poster deletes when they realize


naw it aint but interestingly i dont see many people with that mount it’s not that bad and has nice animations imo

Question. Is it one of those that you can “force” to do their special animation and make it chase its tail on demand?

You should be able to with /mountspecial command

Must resist cuteness… lol.


They have stopped responding. I think they are as red as their hair.

Every selfrespecting person should have this as a shortcut macro by now, yes?

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Let me introduce you to my timepiece… :mantelpiece_clock:

EDITED to “timepiece”. Lord that sounded bad.

As someone who absolutely loves cats, this is the creepiest thing I’ve seen in my entire life.


Are you embarrassed yet?

Omg! Meow, meow, meow! I must ride this meower!

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But I heard it even likes cookies!

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Shut up and take my money!

I like it! For once I won’t complain. Better than getting nothing I guess.

Not a big fan of the mount tbh. But I don’t have any store mounts.

Who cares about the lawsuit covid has been going for 2 years and is still cited as being a cause for content delay. If this was planned in advance I call bull on it being 2 years prior

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The other cat mounts are like panthers, but this is like a house cat mount.

looks dumb for wow. Clark the whale will be sure to get him and his friends one.

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