NEW CAT MOUNT on the blizzard store for $25!

Don’t forget holiday mounts. Still no love rocket mount yet.

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Incoming F2P model. All these store items are insane.

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I would like there to be a currency drop when ever a boss does not give loot for the player. then after say, 3-5 or 10 of those currency tokens drop instead of loot, you can just go to a vendor and buy the item you want from the boss loot table, provided that you also have kill credit for that boss at least once on the given difficulty.

the Vault isn’t effective as bad luck protection because the people with good luck just end up with twice as much.

and yeah, i think FF14 also has a bad luck protection for the mount drops. if you kill the thing X number of times and don’t get it you can just collect it from a vendor because you have done the thing enough times and should get your reward. it prob also helps keep people from becoming jaded and toxic over someone getting it on their first try where as you are on kill 365 or 4k using alts and still dont have it.


Kittsuera, WoW! pardon the coincidence, happy accident. I never played FF14 because I have been loyal to warcraft since its release. (rocking my mini diablo and t3 gear)

To hear other games have already fixed this aggravation causes me extraordinary frustration. How come Blizzard does not listen to its fan base? I’m not referring to the few active forum posters who routinely have 3 likes and attack all questions and skepticism, but the actual majority of players this affects.

I once messaged blizzard five years ago when I farmed my Archeology Tol’vir mount which that took me 717 solves to get. I explained the amount of digging I have performed would have tunneled a hole from Eastern Kingdoms to Kalimdor, and back…twice!

How can they prevent this? and I was dismissed. If other players were also dismissed, I can see why the players have moved on.

I truly spend more time standing around, waiting for world bosses to pop on my main/alts just to get denied again and again. If they do not fix this issue, more players will leave. If they create the token vendors… players will return.

Just my thoughts on the whole problem, but love that FF14 has addressed this madness. I just expected my favorite company (BLIZZ) to address it long ago…

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Dying game; buy a mount; sit alone in city while you wait for your queue.

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“Yo we need some big money FAST”

draws a cat

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Actually I sit around in the city talking to friends while waiting for queues. Probably because I am not trying to be some edgy loner wannabe who is too cool to admit they play a game that they think is dying but continue to have a sub to.

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Of course not. you arent a mage. You dont thiiiiiiink about it. You just do what ever baphomet or who ever tells you XD

(this is my reasoning for venthyr pallies anyway LOL)

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I’d have this and iron skyreaver going 15 rounds in the ring and still end up in draw for best title.

But yeah…I do love this mount. Iron skyreaver gets some time off for a bit lol.

I might have considered this if it was a Calico cat and I could name it. That I’d gladly drop a couple tokens on to get it. As is? While the /mountspecial is nice, still not worth it.

El Gato.

@ people asking why shop mounts look good and in-game rewards don’t - Blizzard allocates resources based on expected return on investment. Blizzard would put out more unique mounts to collect in-game if people actually unsubbed over lack of in-game rewards to collect… but they don’t. People stay subbed all the same, regardless of how many recolored mounts they get, so Blizzard isn’t going to invest those resources, and instead direct them towards shop items that they know will sell.

WoW gamers will do a whole Olympic mental gymnastic performance to justify why they’re going to stay subbed to the game through thick and thin even though they claim this is the last straw. It’s kind of cringe TBH. Vote with your wallet, or don’t.

Sounds like the angry rant of a person with no gold :crazy_face:

If you like the new mount I’m giving one away this weekend only! I am covering the coast of the mount out of my own pocket.

PS> there is a separate option if you’ve already bought it or there is another mount you would rather have


Don’t ruin my dreams. )’:

Settle down Bobby. :kissing:

It doesn’t matter. Basic PR - know your customers - bad time to drop a store mount when 9.2 is probably months away

Putting it off just further delays the schedule for other store mounts planned and quite frankly there may not ever be a goodtime. No reason to hold off just because forums get pissy which is a small minority of players.

Omg who the hell cares