NEW CAT MOUNT on the blizzard store for $25!

/spit #spit

I am doubtful it will be on sale this Christmas. I was thinking I would wait as well.

Happy Birthday!!

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what would been instant buy for me if they added these to WoW.

Wow, I don’t care.

Whoopty doo da. Shadowlands is still a mess.

Shills don’t understand and don’t care. They’ll defend this stupid crap til the end. Really can’t have conversations with them. They like being taken advantage of.

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Yeah no. It is unlikely there going to add a flying bird mount that big. It would take up all of Orgrimmar.

Would be cool for a raid mount where you can fit 25 people on it though.

I really wish Blizzard would start putting mounts into the game that are not reskins, since I already pay for a sub + the game. Its a bummer to hear another mount is in store and not available to get in game, without spending $25. All these mounts in store are far overpriced. If you disagree, that’s cool. But the majority of the remaining players are not paying for an overpriced mount in a game.

My question, Just how many horses does the alliance really need? I think I have 50, absolutely crazy if you ask me. One of the most frustrating things is giving the same skin for 100 exalted reps (Pureheart Courser) as several other mounts added during Shadowlands. Seems like a crazy way to take care of those who were loyal to the company for sixteen years. To add a cherry on top, it doesn’t even fly.

I know, how dare I mention these issues, we have a new cat mount for $25 in the store…

Yeah and Shadowlands is still a flaming dumpster. And they think a shiny new mount is going to make the dumpster go away.

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oh hell yeah lol.

1 mount easy to get. so many more to pray to the rng gods for.

My outlook here. Mimiron, invinclble…these mounts IF I ever get them will have cost $60 at least. you see with SL not driving content for me the sub has been heavy on legacy runs. I pay to run ICC/ Ulduar/others. Not SoD lol…

To some we know its dumpster fire. This is bringing the ingredients to make smores by the fire lol.

Bad example I know. dumpster fires are not the cleanest fire to make them. BUt sometimes campouts aren’t either. Had a few campfire events I was pretty sure the pallets someone sourced were treated. orange, red, yellow, burning copper nails green are normal. had some other colors going in the embers lol.

Wouldn’t that be repurrposed :smiley_cat:

Be funny and cool if we got a robotic dumpster battle pet for Shadowlands being a dumpster.


Id buy that for a dollar.

Or even do pet battles for a swithc.

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I’m not seeing the issue with this

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Careful Yoshuyilu, don’t give Blizz Ideas. They will overlook the battle pet portion, and create it as a new mount. It could be yours, flying dumpster and all, all for $25 bucks!

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Hey I would totally fly a dumpster for $25. It would actually be funny. I would actually buy a dumpster mount.

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well… as long as we are tossing things out on the cash shop instead of as rewards for in game content, could we also toss on some extra features in that there cash shop?

oh, not that i would “Want” it on there its just, hypothetically, if it were to be going there instead, would that raise the priority of it getting added being a “maybe ask again next expansion” to “coming this Christmas for just 9.99~”

/giveworgentails /plz /thx

and FF14 has a lot of cosmetic stuff on their cash shop, go look, it exists

is the major content drops going to be limited to Cash shop items because it doesn’t have to wait around for a major patch for it to get added. :thinking:

in any case, idk if i’ll be getting the cat. maybe i might. maybe i wont just depends.

Honestly, I wish Blizzard would just put in token vendors. When we down bosses we would just get a token and allow us to buy the items, gear, MOUNTS we want in game.

I have downed the Sha of Anger 4000x, among all of the other world bosses, still no mount.

I had to do 717 Tol’vir solves just to get my Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank. It takes most players 125 solves for this mount. Spending a decade of my life farming is not fun.

The quickest way to repair the damage, is to push in-game mount drops way up

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