NEW CAT MOUNT on the blizzard store for $25!

one of those strange things they the refuse to change ever :rofl: :nerd_face:


I disagree. That hand mount stands out more than another cat. This one may look like a housecat, but itā€™s still just a cat mount like all the others.

You mean like the hand mounts and the new ghost horse and Blanchy?

So do other mounts that we earn.

See: Legion class mounts and Mechagon mount.

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Good job false flagging the OP, kids. :roll_eyes:


Blizzard management has the same weakness I heard.

I want it badly but Iā€™m having an ethical war with myself about the timing of this mount drop.

Looks more like a lynx, tbh. Big ears.

According toGD, any time is a bad time. I donā€™t really see an issue.

Is this Final Fantasy 14?

Did I log into wrong game?

Think they were trying for a Main C cat look but are off some with faceā€¦Main C cats have a more square block faceā€¦

I think Iā€™m in loveā€¦sorry Sarge </3

Letā€™s just buy in-shop mount and show off our achievement of buying it. Achievement earned: I have more money than you!

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GD is on fire :fire:

Itā€™s mostly a bad time for me because Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll continue my sub for the time being, and this cute monster is roping me back in.

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My friend bought it for me immediately so iā€™m now going to use it everywhere forever.

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Achievement: My friend has more money than I do!

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wonder how long before youtube changes the upvotes/downvotes or Blizz just disables it entirely? cause thatā€™s looking rough atm. i imagine itā€™ll only get worse as time goes on.

Actually Like this mount.

Thereā€™s a reason why i said ā€œactual ingameā€ and thatā€™s refering toā€¦

  • Getting it from a drop.
  • Getting it from a vendor in the gameworld.
  • Getting it from crafting.
  • Getting it from secrets.
  • Getting it from a quest.

Things that require work or not immersion breaking. And not to mention, the requirements stay the same to get them. Those are what i would call ā€œplaying the gameā€.

Getting it from a shop menu with just one click is not that. :confused:

ā€¦And before you say it, i donā€™t count the way you get TCG mounts either.

Plus, saying ā€œyou can get it for ā€œfreeā€ with goldā€ or any other variation of it, is simply saying. ā€œGrind for a lot of the time to get gold in order to get this, or pay up to skip the grindā€. It doesnā€™t really help anybody.


Too Disney looking.

No thanks

Also, nice job on making all the sucky free mounts in SL, and putting all the effort into the shop mounts.

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I really would like this mount. But I also donā€™t want to reward Blizzard for being so tone deaf to release this mount now when the playerbase is the most aggrieved it has ever been.

Then again Iā€™m the idiot still paying them to get mad at their game and use it as a glorified chatroom, so.

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when they go back to ripoff 80ā€™s anime lets me know that blizz knows the playerbase is old.