Didn’t they change the lore before in the name of diversity?
The blood elves only turned to the Horde for help initially because the Alliance left them high and dry and some of the few remaining survivors were going to be genocided by certain members of the Alliance. If I remember correctly, Lorthemar also wanted the blood elves to rejoin the Alliance afterwards but then Jaina decided a bunch of them needed to be purged. I’d imagine that the blood elves have different feelings about different races in the alliance but sort of have to get over that when it comes down to fighting.
I think what they meant idk if this is true lore wise but it makes some sense that fel magic is stronger then say regular magic so if they are addicted to regular magic and cant handle thr addiction they could possibly turn to fel magic if they chose to.
Its kind of like real lofe drug addiction in the sense if people dont get high off a certain drug yet are addicted then they may possibly turn to stronger drugs to get said high. Obviously not all are this way but many are.
Yeah the fact they gave up on Warfronts or never fully realised what they wanted them to be kind of sucked. I really disliked the way they implemented one side having total control for just a few extra bonus quests. It would of been much more interesting to make those PvP focused zones where a constant battle was taking place…it’s so funny how in the WAR expansion we had so little actual fighting other than instances vs nothing but NPC fodder.
Even in the instances, where the war got the biggest focus, it kind of stopped being a thing after Dazar’alor. At least, an important thing.
Really just a huge lack of focus in BFA’s plot in general. I’m not asking for Shakespeare, just a fun, pulpy fantasy story that can stay on the rails! And in a fun, pulpy fantasy world, more importantly!
At the beginning of TBC it was pretty obvious that the original plan was to have blood elves consuming fel energy in some capacity, even if that’s not where they ultimately steered things by patch 2.4.3. If they retcon it such that belves had a period of fel consumption, it’d be less of a real retcon and more just reverting to the original plan.
Not that I mind, Blood Elf identity became quite muddled and dull after 2.4.3.
This is objectively incorrect.
There was a quest to Mana tap a mana wyrm.
Blood Knights had a quest to syphon from a Naaru.
dont tell the Wretched that lol
Denial is the first sign of addiction.
Do you have some time? We’ve gather a group of your friends to have a discussion with you.
Christie Golden is and will always be a mistake for Lore.
He’s just busy!
I think people forgot that you don’t need to ‘eat’ magic to be addicted to it.
They became addicted to Arcane Magic before Mana Tap and the Orcs where also addicted to Fel Magic.
Orcs drank a demon’s blood, and in terms of magical addiction, it is because the power of the Sunwell is much more powerful than the magical crystals used after its destruction. It was so powerful that when Arthas corrupted it, it would have killed all the high elves in existence including those in different parts of Azeroth.
So it isn’t accurate to claim blood elves were addicted to fel or ate it passively.
Proximity to fel magic generates addiction and phenotypic mutations though.
But yeah the center of the addiction is arcane magic; magisters were the only ones using fel actively, and thus possibly developing fel addictions.
Incorrect, fel magic physically changes those by just being around it. They never sucked on fel magic.
Of course Golden had to get one of the most popular lore misconceptions incorrect
She works for Blizzard, she gets told the lore points by Blizzard.
So if they say they were addicted to fel, then they were addicted to fel.
Key point being ‘were’ they’re not now, so this is the biggest nothingburger to get upset about.
Or it’s Alliance propaganda.
So I AM the Warchief then?