New Blood Elf Customization

Need beards

My guess is… Void Elves will have customisation like Alleria ooooor Blood Elves will.

Tattoo/Markings and Blue Eyes, whichever does is where my main a Warlock will go haha

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void elves are in fact the result of blizzard wanting to give alliance fans SOMETHING along the lines of a high/blood elf, but not an actual carbon copy of blood elves. that was never going to happen

theyre not giving void elves blood/high elf skin tones, mostly because 99% of void elf players would go straight to the barber shop to look like a blood elf. its not happening they told you they want the factions to be distinct

void elves are the bone tossed to the alliance by blizzard. people should just accept the bone and move on or play horde if you want to play a high elf proper


People ask me why I like orcs. I didn’t like orcs until Warcraft. In the Middle-earth games, I would never have liked the orcs had I not been exposed to Warcraft orcs. So, thank you, Blizzard, for making likable orcs. I have a question for you, OP: why do you like blood elves so much?

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I’m really looking forward to seeing what the Blood elves get, to be honest. It would be wonderful opportunity to acknowledge all of the blue eyed blood elf appearances throughout the game, especially ones like Lanesh.

Guess we’ll have to wait and see. c:


Are you responding to me, or everyone?

One can hope.

Factions distinct, when you have a race that has 0 difference at all playing both sides? Since when did the blood elves ever fit in with the huts and tribal aesthetic of the Horde?

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perhaps . . . OR we can kindly request our desired options in a polite manner and not put down folks who want something reasonable . . . honestly high elf options for void elves make more sense then blue eyed blood elves considering the playable void elves represent like 30 elves (and i highly doubt they are subjecting more elves to the same treatment) vs blood elves getting over fel taint faster then any other race in azerothian history. Orcs and satyrs included.

I guess Blood Elves won’t get blue eyes, then, because Thalassian elves with blue eyes are a distinctly Alliance phenomenon. Really do look forward to seeing what Blood Elves might actually get in the way of customizations, though. Maybe some different earrings or other jewlery options in addition to those black arcane tattoos introduced in TBC.

Alliance doesn’t get Blue eyes that is great! the Horde gets them that is awesome!


Been a great Blizzcon! This was truly a highlight among other really great stuff!

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Hoping for that some dark ranger and Sanlayn customization. Even Slyvanas has a sanlayn skin in HoTS.


do orcs have access to a sunwell? orcs also imbibed fel they bascially jumped into the pool. blood elves got their feet splashed

even if you want to deny the lore and development saying their eye color will return eventually, blue eyes can simply come from elves repatriating back into quel’thalas from dalaran


If they do do that. Then we might as well get night elf skin tones for nightborne.

Customizations that resemble High Elves for both the Belfs and the Velfs seem inevitable, if only so people will shut the hell up finally.

tbf, this isnt a night elf thread. its a thread about extra blood elf customizations, a legitimate topic of discussion


I wouldn’t really waste the time, we’ve already spent many different threads and posts on why blue eyes is easily possible considering the numerous circumstances surrounding it and developer feelings/quotes on the matter.

Tomorrow should prove to be pretty fun.

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Yes because blood elves can filter feed magic apparently . . . I honestly doubt any current high elf would throw their lot in with the horde, fel as long as we’re bringing up random developer statements the rivalry between the sunreavers and silver covenant was supposed to make the Aldor / Scryer conflict look like a game.

that said, I won’t give up hope on void elves receiving high elf customization options one day, considering the number of high elves hanging around void elves far outnumbers the number of blue eyed blood elves out there (I believe theres like one or two vs the former where its atleast as many as how many void elves there were in their intro quest)

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That quote wasn’t directed to you, and if it was, it was most certainly by mistake.