New Blood Elf Customization

if anything they will give night elves access to gold/black/white

blue eyes however i want because it makes sense and because i want to have the option if I so choose. blizzard promised us extra customizations, and an extra eye color option is a small request

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Giving Blood Elves a blue eye option would be the ultimate insult Blizzard could possibly throw down on the Alliance.

So I totally expect it to happen…


I’m hoping for more facial hair and hair styles.

So let VE have green too. They were created from Blood Elves after all.

Night Elves already have black, gold, and white.

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could not care less what void elves get when it comes to their eye color

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Because it is.

Ok then. I just think a green eyed Void Elf warlock sounds really cool!

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Blue eyes DON’T make sense for blood elves unless they are death knights, you can’t filter feed from the sunwell and only choose to absorb the arcane parts. You got your golden eyes because blood elves are basically light elves now (which I say again is a huge departure from their original story when BC launched).

I seriously don’t get the demand for blue eyed blood elves outside of trolling / being spiteful towards folks who want alliance high elves.


While it would probably look alright, it doesn’t make sense considering that void elves were fundamentally changed by the void unlike what happened with the fel and high/blood elves.

Stated by a developer that the golden eyes was from devotion to the light. Blue eyes was also teased by Ion during a Q&A.

Also considering that it doesn’t seem they’re touching the allied races with these customizations (at least at this time,) I highly doubt seeing this as a thing.


That’s all it is, it’s why I tell them the same thing they tell alliance fans. If you want a blue eyed blood elf the alliance is waiting for you.

I predict that Blood Elves will get some new hair styles and the thin black arcane tattoos we’ve seen in art over the years. Blue eyes are a distant possibility, but are ultimately unrealistic compared to cosmetic elements that are more prominent and less associated with the Alliance.


If by teased you mean trolling the high elf people and claiming all they wanted were fair skinned blonde elves which I confess may be a small percentage of us (personally I don’t care if they only have fair skin or the full range of human skin tones.

Also they teased that void elves could receive high elf options as well, so which one was the more accurate statement?

Edit: the way he “teased” blue eyes for blood elves could color the entire color spectrum . . . So we could see blood elves with glowing brown eyes by that logic

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also read my OP

golden eyes is from a paladin/priests strong devotion to the light

arcane mages with a strong devotion to the arcane should be likewise manifesting blue eyes

even if you refuse to accept the fact in an ask cdev, development said their green glint will fade in time it just takes a while to wear off, blue eyes can simply come from elves like lanesh the steelweaver or aethas sunreaver who clearly preferred the company of humans and dalaran and advocated closer relations with dalaran and spent almost all their time there

this is just getting desperate now. if alliance high elves were EVER viable they never would have created void elves in the first place


No, they created void elves as a compromise for reasons I can only guess at, and they did in fact say that high elf void elf customizations were a possibility . . . if only I could find the post on mmochampion or wowhead.

I wonder if everyone will shut up if blood elves get blue eyes and void elves get an Alleria-like representation where they only void out when their racial activates. Or would people be too confused by this and not be able to tell the bad one is red nameplate and the good one is green?


Honestly, I’d be happy but most folk would lean towards the latter

Both options available to both sides seems like the best option. Just as Wildhammers are now represented as a customisation instead of a separate race, so too can the ‘high elf’ on both sides of the aisle.

Indeed! Go to 24:18

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Butt sliders is all we really want


Thank mate

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