New Blood Elf Customization

wow. the new customization they just teased at blizzcon was awesome! i wish they would have shown blood elves!

i am very excited for this! it is very promising for those of us hoping to see a blue eyed option(and more now!) for blood elves

it makes sense lorewise after all. the green glint was always going to fade in time anyway and it would be reflective of the cleansing effects of the sunwell and the fact a lot of blood elves would be using arcane magic in their everyday lives again which is where the blue eyes came from in the first place. theyve been connected to this new holy/arcane sunwell FAR longer then that brief period they were exposed to ambient fel magic when they used fel energy crystals to rebuild and power quel’thalas

mages use arcane magic pretty much every day. if their devotion to the arcane is strong enough they should be manifesting blue eyes just like priests/paladins with golden eyes because the sunwell is part holy. yet the sunwell is also part arcane so a case can be made for blood elves to get blue eyes. they all had blue eyes in the past after all and the new sunwell is cleansing more of that green glint everyday

so yea i hope to see blue and other colors. i also hope to see farstrider/magister tattoos! that is a HUGE blood elf aesthetic that has been missing. i cant think of anything else right now… maybe an undead blood elf skin option? more hair color options? what do you guys want to see


This really makes me happy. We’ve been asking for more eye color options, specifically blue, for so long now, for Blood Elves. More options always better!!


I’m so excited… FINALLY can be a Wildhammer dwarf shaman… cannot wait for what’s in store for Blood Elves!


All the customization options blizz posted were amazing! Especially love the human options.


maybe draenei will get a borken skin option


EDIT: I was mistaken about the Sunwell and how the energies within worked, that was totally on me. Please feel free to ignore the following comments below! :blush:

Technically the Sunwell isn’t part Arcane, it’s all Holy now. Well, it was Fel for a time too, but now it’s golden. The Sunwell isn’t Kool-Aid. :laughing:


I just want and actual beard of any sort im sick of the tiny little piece of hair as the only options :frowning:


It absolutely is not. IT’s both Arcane and Holy.
If you have proof otherwise, I’d love to see it.


I forget sometimes that male BE’s dont’ have facial hair…Void Elves getting it was like…kind of funny. Did the Void cause them all to grow facial hair? lol


EDIT: I was mistaken about the Sunwell and how the energies within worked, that was totally on me. Please feel free to ignore the following comments below! :blush:

The part at the end of TBC, where Velen cures the Sunwell of its Fel taint, replacing it with Holy energy. The Sunwell hasn’t had any arcane juice since Kael’thas destroyed the arcane power sources. If you did the Blood Elf heritage quest you get to see this.

The Sunwell has one energy at a time; Arcane, than Fel, now Holy.


Blizzard seems to be very hands-off with Pandaren and Blood Elves. There has been one male Pandaren in the MoP cinematic, and one Blood Elf woman in the TBC one, and the texturing for her was done over ten years ago now, so it was definitely lower in quality than what could be done today. Before any character customizations for Blood Elves come out in game, I really want to see them and Pandaren in cinematic environments.


While its waters, holy to the high elves, were originally pure [arcane] power, it has since been restored as a fount of both arcane and [Light] energy


EDIT: I was mistaken about the Sunwell and how the energies within worked, that was totally on me. Please feel free to ignore the following comments below! :blush:

Edited by players who aren’t paying attention. The Sunwell has never been refereed to as a font of arcane power since before TBC. It’s all Holy now, just like Velen said it was. Unless Chronicles or something has said otherwise, this is the way it’s been for almost thirteen years now. :blush:


The void ended up giving them enough power to be able to grow proper facial hair as for lor’themar… hes just that good at it


At the bidding of his new master, the wayward prince eventually returned to Azeroth and seized the site of the Sunwell, hoping to use the fount as a means to usher Kil’jaeden into the world. Ultimately, Kael’thas was slain before his recklessness could bring ruin to Azeroth. In the wake of Kil’jaeden’s defeat, the draenei prophet Velen purified the Sunwell with the Light-infused heart of a fallen naaru, transforming the fount into a source of both holy and arcane energies.
World of warcraft Blood Elf description

But you could have found that if you bothered to look at the footnote from the Wowpedia quote I gave you.


Okie dokie then, my mistake. :slightly_smiling_face:

Makes you wonder why Blizzard ever bothered to make Blood Elfs have fel eyes in the first place? Bizarre.

Can’t wait to see updated Blood Elves. It’s time to bring them past TBC.


I am of very mixed emotions. I am salty as all heck that I am not getting my BELOVED, yelled-about-on-the-internet, very desired Wildhammers.


But I guess I get tattoos and can look like a Wildhammer. And that’s better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.


Too be fair, you didn’t actually link me something I could go read myself. I just accepted what you posted as definitive of the site. Had you given me a link to click or copy, I would have! :blush::kissing_closed_eyes::sparkling_heart:


I can’t post links otherwise I would have.
But to be fair you never did give me any proof.

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