New Blood Elf Customization

I posted a few points up. Part of the discussion includes alliance wanting blood elves/high elves and ingame representation of those parties. Offering a horde counterpart to make a point to address that concern which is also viable.

Yes please,neatly cared for beards would be amazing :slight_smile: Various eye colors would be neat as well,would not mind rockin’ some baby blues on my pally or some purple eyes on my rogue [I’d say purple on this guy but DK we’re kinda stuck with the ice blue eyes XD]


To quote Chris Metzen:


Yeah-up! We figured that out! That’s why I went back and edited all my posts with:


Are you going to stop being needlessly PA or…

Public Affection?

Passive aggressive

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Wait… so I corrected myself, made sure to edit those posts, somebody quotes me ignoring those edits, so I correct them… and that makes me passive aggressive?! :scream:


Do you hate me?

Sorry to disagree with you, but there are a few Blood Elves in game already with Blue Eyes. Blue Eye Elves is not an Alliance thing.

Sorry to disappoint you.


But it is an Alliance thing. I guess we’re in disagreement.

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It is not. Where in the game or in lore does it say blue eyes indicate “Alliance”?


It does indicate Alliance, Horde has like 1-2 blue eyed elves, while Alliance has around 130-140 named blue eyes elves, so adding it to Horde makes no sense.
Would’ve made sense if they broke faction stuff and just merged high elves altogether with blood elves, but to say all high elves suddenly decided to join Horde, eh. Not sold. But then again, very little makes sense in WoW lore nowadays, just take a look at Sylvanas as prime example, a weak and boring character being pushed as strongest around.

  1. There is more than just 1 or 2 Blood Elves with Blue Eyes.
  2. Where in the game or in lore does it say blue eyes indicate “Alliance”?

Where does it say? Pretty much every war scene in WoW’s history had blue eyed elves on Alliance side, never on Horde, so it’s iconic.

It’s logic, it’s like adding Vulpera to Alliance, would it make sense?


Leave it to Joy the Fake Warcraft Fan to actually think Blue-Eyes is an Alliance only thing. :man_facepalming:


Translation: It says it nowhere because Blue Eyes does not belong to the Alliance!


“In World of Warcraft, the high elves closely resemble blood elves appearance-wise (they in fact share the same model, although high elves have blue eyes as opposed to the green eyes of blood elves)”

It’s already accepted for around a decade.

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Not all Blood Elves were effected by the Fel Radiation, and not all Blood Elves have Green or Golden Eyes. And there is nothing in game or in the lore to say “Blue Eyes = Alliance”.


Not sure if you’re colorblind, or just new to WoW, but almost every expansion so far featured blue eyed high elves on Alliance side on at least one spot, and total of 2 on Horde, which brings it to 130+ on Alliance.