New Blood Elf Customization

We already have an allied race using the draenei model, and the theme has been one model per race, with the single exception being Kul Tiran. (Which got a completely unique one.) and still counts as the “Human AR”

In what way do you expect Mogu’shan to join?

Also night elves. Nightborne use their rig, and so do the zandalari.

I kind of made the wrong argument, if I’m being honest. the theme is sort of both. It’s existing models, or variants of existing races.

Draenei already had their model used, so why would we get another one of those instead of actually using the Forsaken or Worgen models, or giving them an undead or animal themed race? Mogu is just so farfetched it’s unreal.

Them or the flying people would make excellent Nelf or Gnome ARs.

The Rajani would join due to respecting the ideals of the Horde more than others, their ancient pact with the Zandalari, their mastery over necromancy and soul magic, etc. They have said before that ARs don’t have to be variants.

I mean they literally say that we are the first mortals to step inside the shadowlands. This is the afterlife, nothing is “alive” that’s my point, they would all be undead on the material world, you feel me?

Its a point I kind of have a hard time agreeing with. The Shadowlands is another dimension, like the emerald dream. Just because its where souls go, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have it’s own native life.

I know the kyrians supposedly are from the souls of people who ascend to become kyrians after trials and meditation and the likes, but I don’t know if all the new races we see are like that. Even if they are, can we really say they’re all dead, and not simply reborn? I mean, a bit of a part of ardenweald is that death isn’t a one-way road. Rebirth is a thing too.

But it’s the afterlife, not any dimension. That’s my thing, if this is the afterlife, this is not a place for the living. As far as the Ardenweald, it’s the part where nature atunned beings go to “rest” before being reborn. Like Cenarius did.

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But it is a dimension. We’ve been told that is has visitors from other dimensions, soul traders and the likes, which go to the city, orbis, the main hub. I won’t be surprised to see ethereals there since I’m pretty sure there are ethereal soul traders. We’d probably see some demons too.

But still, it’s the afterlife. That’s the thing, you could visit, but you know that staying there permanently is just… dying?

Been hoping for this for a long time, really glad we’re most likely getting blue eyes and tatts for Blood Elves finally.

Would be nice to see some more customization showcased tomorrow! Here’s hoping we get to see some for every race!

Option for Blue, gold, green or more eyes with some tatts and give me that Lor’themar beard? I’ll be happy on my BE!


Is it though? I mean, if an immortal being goes there, are they just… not able to leave after so much time passes? How else will we the players be able to go there for long periods of time, without being forced to stay?

kinda secretly hoping they give night/blood elves an undead skin option too :relaxed:

I mean, canonically a couple dudes can already just rip holes in it and walk back out into our world whenever they want, and they aren’t even cosmic big-bads. One of them is just a witch doctor.

It’s the opposite the emerald dream. It’s only the “afterlife” insofar as they’ve decided to lay claim to souls using the spirit healers. Technically it doesn’t have to be the afterlife at all.

yea i think sylvanas breaking the helm of domination kind of broke all the rules. its a whole new ball game

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This is what is said on the Blue Post with the race screenshots.

We’re adding even more options for you to be able to express yourself in game through your character. Each race will have their own unique options available to them whether it’s their tattoos, hairstyles, skin color, or even eye color. The undead will also be able to choose whether they show bones or not. There are a wide range of improvements coming for Shadowlands, and this is just the start of providing more options to your character creation.

I mean in several fantasies you can visit the Afterlife, like just think about Orpheus and Virgil. It’s another plane of existence; you can visit there, but it’s not just another place, it’s, well another plane of existence.

But it literally IS the afterlife

With a single act of destruction, Sylvanas Windrunner has ripped open the way to the afterlife.

It’s literally on the tin. The shadolands is the place were souls go when they die, that’s the whole shtick.

We have ghosts and other dead identities that can cross over, but other are just stuck here and we don’t consider that good, that’s why "undeath"is considered such a effed up thing, you are out of the cycle trapped on the material world.

Finally a place for me.

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i cant wait to see kael again. blizz can finally do him right in WoW


Don’t mean to be that guy because i would love some new belf customization… ion said original races… which we aren’t

We’re adding even more options for you to be able to express yourself in game through your character. Each race will have their own unique options available to them whether it’s their tattoos, hairstyles, skin color, or even eye color. The undead will also be able to choose whether they show bones or not. There are a wide range of improvements coming for Shadowlands, and this is just the start of providing more options to your character creation.

This doesn’t say original.