New Blood Elf Customization

Alongside Mok’Nathal, those would be perfect AR.


You’re going to have to cite a source for this one. I’ve read the forums enough to know that the wow website under blood elves say only 90% of the elf kingdom was wiped out. No numbers were given for elves outside of it, like those evacuated from dalaran, or in the lodges or outland.

Kind of like the two pandaren schools that split between the alliance and horde.
Kind of like the split between blood elves and high elf.

Just make the blood elves a neutral race, and rename them to high elves, I suppose.


Ain’t happening chief. We’re getting a Forsaken and Worgen AR and that’s wrapping it up, and slowing it down for quite a bit of time.

I didn’t say next AR, or soon for that matter.

Now, I’m not sure what they’ll be doing for the Worgen AR, but after the shadowlands trailer it seems preeety obvious that the forsaken AR will be Vampires.

Like are they? IDK, I’d love for it, but I just find weird to recruit any of the Shadowlands denizens as AR.

guess what, there is only one high elf kingdom

all of your responses to me so far have convinced me you are in denial of lore or not knowledgeable on the subject

it doesnt matter if you were a high elf lucky enough to be out of quel’thalas at the time of the scourge attack. if you survived you are part of the ‘kingdom’ or part of the high elf race. well over 90% of the race identifies as blood elf now

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Why would we get ARS of people who haven’t joined factions, from a realm hithertoo unexplored.

Our next set of ARs are coming from Azeroth. Likely Sethrak and Mogu.

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One of the factions you can gain rep for and side with seems to be a group of spookboi vampires. Odds are they were imprisoned there for whatever reason, and becoming vampiric was their only means of survival within that world. Maybe they were a mostly magical race and being cut off from their source, the only means of “energy” they had to cast with was blood itself, making them Hemomancers.

Who knows!

They feed off the anima of vainglorious souls.

My doggie, you’re going to sit here and tell me what I’M saying is farfetched, then say it’s going to be Mogu? lmao.

No, dude. Not happening. Sethrak? Maybe. It’s highly requested and they use the female wargen model. Seems pretty likey to me. Mogu, though? That’s hilarious. Especially considering there’s nothing for the undead model, then.

Well, there’s only one kingdom made up of high elves as the majority, but like I said, there’s lodges and those in outland and also those in Dalaran. The website says 90% of the kingdom was slaughtering during Arthas’ invasion of it. Doesn’t seem like that figure accounts for those outside of it.

Anyways, if making blood elves neutral as a solution is such a terrible idea, then the better option would be to make Alliance high elves playable through the void elves. I mean, void elves themselves are proof that the size of the splintered faction is irrelevant to the faction being playable.

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im glad ARs appear to be dead after BFA and will remain mostly a BFA feature. im just so glad core races are getting updated

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Yeah, I’m also pretty happy AR’s will be going away after this. We have ample races now. We’re good on that.

There will almost certainly be one final set after Vulpera/Mechgnomes, though.

I mean my issue is that everyone in the Shadowlands is dead? So, maybe a group of them does want to leave the Shadowlands and exist on the mortal world?

Like I can see it, but IDK, it’s just weird to think that the denizens of the afterlife would want to be part of the mundane existence of Azeroth.

Like it just feels weird, but that personally so, so I wouldn’t say it’s impossible. The only think is that the models don’t appear to be playable character models, but that’s just a guess, we won’t know until beta.

Well judging from the trailer, there will probably at least be a section where either the emerald dream or some other “light” thing is involved, as well. It makes sense thematically to give one faction a “death” themed race, and the other faction a “life” themed race.

Kul Tirans don’t use the human model.

Mogu use the Draenei model, they are heavily death-connected, and there’s an entire faction of them with rep and are left leaderless after 8.3

I think some might become ARs, we’ll definitely get them, just far slowed down. Like those Fae-folk in the sprite-land.

The Satyrs? I admit, if they wear robes and have decent casting animations, I might have to roll one. Was never able to get into night elves because of the horrible casting animations on the guys.

The thing is that all Shadowlands races are “death” themed. It’s just different flavors of death. So if you thought lightforged undead, we know have nature undead, blood undead, justice undead and strength undead? All them undead flavors.

But yeah, my issue is why any of those people would want to leave the afterlife and exist on the mortal realm. of course they could come up with a reason, it just feels weird.

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I don’t know about this to be honest. I mean, the Kyrians look like they could pass for titan forged, and the night fae look like they could’ve stepped out of the emerald dream. Very little about them really feels all that, ‘death,’ themed.

The necrolords, I grant, definitely seem death themed, but they’re the scourge 3.0; undead but not evil for a change. The venthyr look like a new variety of san’layn, so they too do seem undead, but vampires come in two flavors; demonic and undead, and they seem like they could pass for the demonic variety.