New Blood Elf Customization

blue eyes are not a signifier or anything other than the magics a thalassian elf is exposed to. it is not a marker of being alliance. it reflects the ambient magic an elf is exposed to. otherwise they would have given blood elves red eyes :roll_eyes:


I don’t think they are customizing the allied races. A possible counter to this is if they add customization to draenei and tauren that it should also apply to LFD and HMT and thus if they get some they all should but who knows? I hope I’m wrong and they do get options. Even if it’s in a later patch.

They’ve been used as such throughout wow’s lifetime, since the new blood elf models came back in burning crusade. Blue means high elves, which means Alliance. If blood elves got blue eyes, high elves would need a different kind of update to set them apart, which is only logical. So many people want Alliance high elves that the devs would be crazy not to make it happen somehow.

I find very possible BE’s get blue eyes, I just don’t care.

But it doesn’t seem that AR are getting any expanded customization, so yah, Blizz just doesn’t give a rats azz about the High Elf issue lol. Would be nice if they threw a bone, alas, they just don’t care.


i see no reason the ARs cant get the eye color customization option, but yea nothing new for them beyond that

Seems a little early to make this kind of statement. Lots of time before shadowlands launches, after all.

I mean Ion said “customization for original races” so it does seem like AR are out of luck :confused:

It sucks a lot TBH, specially since lets be honest AR are already woefully lacking on customization.

Well Ion phrased it in such a way that kind of implied it. He said “The original races” which could have meant the ones from classic but since draenei were confirmed to get it, it at least extends to BC and likely all core races. Maybe he misspoke or maybe these are the only ones planned for launch of the expansion/9.0 while others come later but as of now it does seem they aren’t getting it.

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By default humans are always the most boring race on a fantasy game, specially if they are medieval fantasy humans.


‘Original,’ seems to be a bit undefined. At first people figured that meant the first four per faction, but then we learned that draenei have some updates coming as well. So does it stop with the BC races, or go forward to the cata races too?

I’d say let’s wait and see. The high elf issue has been fairly persistent for a long time and this system seems like a way to address it.

I mean, who knows? Maybe they’ll surprise us all and high elf customization will be with night elves. An option for a different model, kind of like upright orcs.

they are the same race. to quote ion ‘slightly different eye color’ and ‘eye color is not quite the same’ to me means these are minor differences. besides blue eyed blood elves already exist. we already have a dev confirming it


I mean, that’s fine I suppose. Just make blood elves neutral then, since the high elf race is found on both factions, like the pandaren.


Alliance should canonically get half-elves. High elves canonically find humans extremely aesthetically pleasing, which has quote: “thinned their bloodline”. I’d like to see high elves with some minor human traits or hair options.


/10 chars

there is one pandaren race. most of them are truly neutral. pandaria itself is neutral. their entire concept is based around neutrality and bringing harmony to the factions

the high elf state of quel’thalas is NOT neutral. blood elves make up well over 90% of the high elf pop. dalaran has the second biggest pop which is neutral. all the alliance has is individuals

the few actual alliance high elves are not distinct enough to be an AR, but are what they have always been presented to be, a purely political faction of an already playable race


I mean the Shadowlands page says

“Each race will have their own unique options available to them whether it’s their tattoos, hairstyles, skin color, or even eye color.”

So yeah, does it mean every race? Or Ion is being more specific? But if the “original races” bit is true, I do think that means no AR.

It is disappointing they just aren’t giving anything to people that want HE’s, but the choice is ultimately theirs.

I’m actually banking on Highborne customization for Night Elves, my question is if they will give them light skin and blonde hair and upturned ears lol.


Kul Tirans and Gilneans are pretty interesting, but unfortunately us Stormwind humans are fairly generic. We can’t really deny that.

Fictional! What??

You can’t hide from the truth! And I mean I like humans, but medieval fantasy humans? Yep, they are the safest and most boring choice, and that’s alright.


From the World of Warcraft Chronicles Volume Three, it would seem the Sunwell is both Arcane, and Holy.

The Shattered Sun Offensive, supplemented by Horde and Alliance forces banding together, succeeded in both slaying the denounced prince and vanquishing his demonic master, once again protecting Azeroth from the Legion’s Burning Crusade. In the aftermath of
the battle, the draenei prophet Velen sanctified the legendary Sunwell using the power of the Light. The Sunwell shone once again, now a fount of both arcane power and Holy Light.