New Blood Elf Customization

Most Blood Elves were only effected by the Fel Radiation by the tainted Crystals around Silvermoon. And there is still a few Blood Elves with the Blue Eyes (and not talking about Death Knights) in the game.


velfs arent getting anything. we already are behind on options. now we’re even more behind.

i’d highly discourage new players from bothering with 1) grinding ARs or 2) playing alliance. just isnt worth it.

Well, kinda.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Yes. The payment for the demons’ service was to drink from the energy of this place.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: By feeding upon this place’s power, they were broken free from their addiction to the Legion’s magic.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: I believe this is the original power source he intended to offer the blood elves to free them from their addiction to the Sunwell… but for some reason he didn’t let them near it…

Jubeka Shadowbreaker says: What?? you have no proof of such a claim.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Didn’t you notice? The demons under Illidan’s command were free of the entropic, fel-green corruption that pervades the Legion.

This is from the Warlock green fire questline, specifically Infiltrating the Black Temple. You even see demons wielding blue fire here.

Sorry to break the bubble, but Nightborne and HM Tauren both have far less options than Void Elves.


Void elves share a 1:1 model+skeleton with blood elves. I’m confident we will get many of the new blood elf faces

i know this. it doesnt help to know that neither my velf or nightborne will have customizations even though they are already fewer than belfs. might as well be invisible.


This is a pretty ambiguous thing to argue about because we don’t know if the light makes it possible for BE to get blue eyes or violet eyes or not. Perhaps the light cleansing the eyes makes it possible for arcane changes. We don’t know. But there is nothing in the lore that says BE can or can’t have blue eyes as a result of the new Sunwell. We have examples of blue eyed Blood elves but nothing says the Sunwell did or didn’t do that/allow for that.

velfs have 10 fewer hairstyles than belfs, already. only 1 eye color vs. belfs 2 eyecolors, which sounds like it will be going up to 3 or more eye colors. we’re the race with no lore. no function in the game. no customizations in an expac that features customizations. cant have our racial leaders tats or skin colors . we’re like the land time forgot

Well, there is evidence that the Sunwell did effect both Blood Elves and High Elves with Golden Eyes.

Don’t forget that Void Elves are also one of the only two Allied Races with no tattoo options (the other being Kul Tirans).

blood elves will get blue eyes. and tats. and dark ranger stuff.

Thats true we are behind, but that’s why I think us void elves will be given more options to catch up. Blizzard is going to WANT players like me to faction/race change$. Thats the whole reason why they made EVERY SINGLE allied race able to go dk. So it’s only logical they will give allied races some options too to make them more alluring for race changes.$ I know we won’t get options first, but void elves are the easiest to copy paste for, from belfs

and the only AR that has no introductory zone. that you wouldnt even know existed if it werent from out of game information. thatyou had to grind 2 months longer to obtain, then horde did for their legion ARs, because we’re so important to the game.

false hope dude.

Or false pessimism from you. Either or

Human Asian Faces was the most exciting customization announcement for me.

40 new customizations for blood elves incoming?

*melts *

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I would love all eye colours, for all races.

I’d really love for the glow to be diminished if we want, and my Hunter to have non-glowy green eyes, my Paladin to have blue eyes, my Lock to keep her glowy green eyes, my Warrior to have her golden eyes, etc…

Customisation of ALL Races is a good thing!


Can I be honest? I never thought id see the day Humans got unique customization.


listen, we were encouraged not to be so down about the lack of a playable high elf by the false hope that we’d get helf customs or att the very least, be able to cross faction play our belfs on alliance, and they shot all of that in the foot . no cross faction, no velf customs. no playable helf.