New Blood Elf Customization

You are homogenizing two subsets with different ideologies and politics. Sure, Modern High Elves might not be different enough to be an AR, but come on, why disregard the nuance and only understand the issue in such a basic level?

That’s the whole issue, the simplistic approach opinions like yours hold, which frankly, have no place on an actual discussion. You are free to believe what you want, but if you are not approaching the subject with the same depth, it’s just pointless.

Still doesn’t change the fact that they could have simply said yes, I don’t get stretching the answer if it’s something that should be decided by now. It’s not me not believing it happening -I also think it’s likely- I just dislike the lack of clarification, for no reason safe for apparent hype? Feels cheap, but I don’t doubt it. That, or they just haven’t even thought about BE’s so far -which doesn’t affect the likeliness of the blue eyes-

I mean whatever the answer is, I doubt it will be, IDK, shockingly compelling content? It’s either “yep them eyes are getting cleansed” or “we have gotten some HE’s back on the last few years” and that just two things that seem perfectly reasonable but not exciting.

I get why the customization itself is exciting, I just doubt the narrative surrounding it will be -unless it’s like around a massive reunification where most of the remaining High Elves go back to Quel’thalas, which, maybe?-

It was a response to a question in the Q&A.

Q: What are some of the other customization things we will be looking forward to with our WoW characters?
A: Working hard right now on blood elves - more than 40 additional customizations for them coming. Showed some race customizations already - just a small sampling we’re going to offer. Specifically with humans, we really want to offer a diversity that you can find in the real world so that you can really be in the game.


I Always wonder why Horde chose to ignore this ,

The high elves were once a significant force on the continent, but in recent times their numbers have been dramatically reduced: approximately 90% of their population was slaughtered during the Third War.Following this, 90% of the surviving high elves changed their name to “blood elves” or sin’dorei (children of the blood in Thalassian) in remembrance of their fallen brethren, and no longer consider themselves high elven.


Pro Helf people have been “rioting” for like 2 years and Blizzard doesn’t give am eff lol. I really doubt they are taking any consideration on any perceived backlash on a community they simply ignore.

“Helfer riot”, please.

The differences are like differences in your family. We just all decide to keep each other at arms length, until everyone agrees to practice the same type of power. :stuck_out_tongue:


Sin’dorei dont consider themselves Quel’dorei any more hence the name Sin’dorei learn your lore peeps.

I’m not even a huge high elf supporter. I’m kinda neutral on them. But as I’ve said before, I think you can make high elves the same level of different if not more different than LFD and HMT are to their core race counterparts too. Especially if you come up with some new lore that would make things like classes differ such as a shaman or druid or something.

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Thanks! Now I’m getting a bit excited! :smiley_cat:


You want a simple answer?

The bold part is what YOU added and believe. it’s not reflected on Gamepedia, WoWWiki, or the actual web site. Nice try though.


Because it means a different name. Belves renamed themselves, that didn’t change the race. If I call myself Susan it doesn’t change my race either.

They were only renamed to Blood Elves. They didn’t change there race or claimed to be different people from who they were. Maybe you should learn your lore.

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Why is there the two names in game and and lore, High elves and Sin’dorei then.

“We must put this misery behind us. We must enter a new chapter! And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves! In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian… as of this day we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin’dorei! For Quel’Thalas!”
— Kael’thas Sunstrider


I don’t know some of the helfers think there would be a problem. Unless I misunderstood what was said.
Just one post in reference:

Why is there the two names in game and and lore, High elves and Sin’dorei then.

Blood elf name was done by Kael’thas to honor the fallen. Who were all high elves. We were all high elves. Some just renamed. It’s not that complicated.


So does this mean that the high elf thread will die? :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

See Soulebreaker’s reply.

Then why dont silver covenant and highvale join horde if your all one big happy family

I mean “promotion” strategies are effective money-making tactics to get players excited for future content. I’m sure there is plenty of stuff that has been given the go-ahead at this point, but by revealing everything on the very day it was announced means having very little to keep players interested and hyped leading up to it’s release. It certainly sucks not having a clear confirmation for it, but It’s not something that gives me reason to doubt it either.

I think there will be some narrative, at least in the form of flavor text, which seems to be one of blizzard’s preferred ways of giving us narrative insights lately. I imagine that NPCs possessing these customization will be more prevalent in their respectful settlements as to coincide why players have access to them.

In this case I could see Lanesh being added somewhere with maybe some dialogue about himself or even quest. It also explains why Danuser took the time to respond to a seemingly random tweet about a pretty inconsequential character, like perhaps he only knew of him for that very reason. But alas this is all speculation, but it would be nice to see what Danuser mentioned reflected somehow in the expansion, and I feel like this would be a good opportunity.