New Blood Elf Customization

Because they don’t want a helfer riot while they’re dealing with Blizzcon. Much better to sell the pre-orders and then just release the blue-eyes option without fanfare.

I wouldn’t be discourage people that wish for Playable Alliance Queldorei folks, Eye color dont make a Alliance Quel’dorei or a Horde Sin’dorei, We have the Model on the Alliance side now its just a matter of time until customizations will be added, but blue eyes dont settle the matter either way. Also keep in mind any tatts or customizations that Sin’dorei could have Ren’dorei might have also since they were Sin’dorei before they were Ren’dorei.


And I don’t take toxic generalizations lightly either.


You know, I am pretty sure at Blizzcon, they said they’re only adding customisations to the “Core Races”…

The blue post with the screenshots just says race.

Yup your 100% correct

So blood elves have over 40 customization options being worked on

No specifics yet

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Holy moly guacamole.

And what we saw is only a small taste of what we are getting. Supposedly

I was aroused at the Moggable Legendaries thing, this is just transcendence.

I am not. Blood Elves ARE High Elves. What about this is unclear? There is no other point.


No, they WERE High Elves. After the invasion of Quel’Thalas and the destruction of Silvermoon City, the surviving High Elves In the area of the tainted Sunwell became Blood Elves.

High Elves that weren’t in the area of the Sunwell, and across other areas of the Eastern Kingdoms, remained Alliance High Elves—and it is those that players are demanding to be playable.

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Hey, if your one of those who want then with no malice to folks who want alliance high elves more power to you, but you will be the first i’ve Personally seen. I mean no malice I can only speak for what i’ve Seen and experienced.

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I’m excited! Over 40 new customization options for just Blood Elves alone? Yes please!

As a Blood Elf main, I cannot wait to see all the new elegant hairstyles, and the possibility of finally having the option for blue eyes!


As a side thing about the blue eyes, maybe DKs could get red eyed customization or more icey eye effects? This would be universal across all dks and thus be a customization for all races(of a class)

They. Are. High. Elves. Nothing will change that. Get over it.


No they are not High Elves, they are Blood Elves—and they always will be Blood Elves, until lore or story changes that fact.

What is this you’re speaking of???!!!

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I don’t doubt you’ve seen people who are truly spiteful but that’s not the majority of the people I’ve been talking to.

Biologically they are high elves. Yes. But biologically humans and Kul’tirans are both human. And some npc KT are indistinguishable from Stormwind folks. Being biologically the same race is irrelevant.