New Blood Elf Customization

Seen them before. Still doesnā€™t change the response that was given yesterday. Blue eyes donā€™t seem to be on the table for blood elves right now.

not surprising you got that from his response im guessing you also believe alex meant ā€˜its possibleā€™ and shrugged, when asked about void elves getting blood/high elf skin tones, even thought void elves were created specifically to be distinct from blood elves means ā€˜its happeningā€™ too right

danuser said ā€˜we are looking at all optionsā€™ also i like the half minute context you excluded that precluded mgGM asking about blue eyes for blood elves which i have included in my link of the interview

Iā€™mā€¦ not sure what you mean by this. Could you clarify? Iā€™m really lost.

Blue eyes for BEs, Alleria style skins for VEs and Velen style beards for draenei and I would be very happy.

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Eyebrows on male night elves without beards too?

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id like to see golden eyes for night elf females as well

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All the more reason to reach out and let them know how many of us are interested in blue eye color for Blood Elves.


So apparently they got asked on an interview about blue eyes for Blood Elves and they basically said ā€œweā€™ll seeā€ (9:56)

So thatā€™s like as much as the previous ā€œmaybe VE can get HE customizationā€ in terms of non-confirmation.

What is with the lack of certainty at this point? Why are they mulling it over still?

But we were there temporarily. most of our time actually on the Vindicaar. Thatā€™s not constant nor consistent fel exposure. Now the Krokul there, thatā€™s an example of a being living on a fel irradiated environment.

Not every Orc drunk demon juice; none of the Frostwolves did, they got green anyway. Because when the horde came together, the constant fel usage by the warlocks through all that time changed them.

We know that elves change eye color from temporarily using another source -such as Valeera in the comic- But all evidence suggest that persistent eye color is based on continued exposure (Arcane from the Sunwell, Fel from the power sources, Golden from the reignited Sunwell) Itā€™s not just using a new magic, itā€™s the constant exposure to it and as long there isnā€™t a more active corrupting power nearby, such as Fel.

Itā€™s really a bummer we donā€™t have Alleriaā€™s shimmery silver Void Form hair color. But yeah, we really could get something less blue, more Alleria like. Like already we are seeing these customization options taking from different origins (Wildhammer and Farraki, for example) and while Void Elves so far have just one origin, they desperately need another one to be a race. Which opens the way for more customization that correlates with a different/new origin.

BE need more skin tones as we saw on Humans and Dwarves, and also see how those darker skin tones would look void-fied. Also, Blood Elves need Beards

I actually find this response far more favorable, as we already know some comparable form of customization is going to be presented for the Blood elves, and this just confirms that blue eyes isnā€™t an idea theyā€™re against. They could have said something like ā€œNo plans in the near termā€ or began to list off obstacles that stand in itā€™s way, but instead told us sort of ā€œWait and seeā€

It seems as of now the only forms of customization that have been ā€œfinalizedā€ were the humans, trolls, dwarves. So for now I guess all we have to do is wait and see what the Blood elves get.

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If includes blue eyes the Alliance diehards will freak out. No Iā€™m not one of them, I hope it DOES include blue eyes to put an end to this High Elf nonsense.


But my issue is why they canā€™t confirm or deny? Why havenā€™t they made the choice already? Thatā€™s what I donā€™t get, they were a lot more forthcoming with what they were doing with draenei.

So itā€™s either they just havenā€™t even started with Blood Elves so they just donā€™t want to refer to them right now -which is likely- or they are actually not sure if they want to give them blue eyes -for reasons-

Point is, we are still unconfirmed for it, which is urgh.

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Considering that giving a BE blue eyes doesnā€™t make them a High Elf, since the difference is, you know, political and ideological, I find it very unlikely the debate is gonna end just because of that.


Blood Elves ARE High Elves. That has been made clear by Blizz many times.


You will need a much bigger drill to bore this into their skull than what you have.


You are missing the point.

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From glancing at what type of options the dwarves, trolls, and humans are getting it seems like the most reasonable, and anticipated option for Blood elves, and Iā€™m pretty sure the devs know that at this point too.

I think they want to keep it hush-hush because itā€™s something they want to save, and announce as a form of promotion further down the road. Shadowlands is quite a ways away, and theyā€™re going to keep revealing more and more information about the expansion over the months to keep players hyped until itā€™s release. As of right now these seem to be some of the first finalized visuals produced, and if they are anything to go by for what we might expect see for the Blood elves than I think the chances are very likely.

This expansion seems to want to cater to the opening of more in-depth levels of customization, and theyā€™re likely going to entertain the most reasonable, and popular demands. It would seem pretty cruddy to emphasize the options for new eyes as an attraction for the expansion, and then not give anything to the Blood elves.

I almost wonder if Lanesh will play some narrative in it, in regards to what Danuser foreshadowed.


I donā€™t make accusations lightly . . . I only go off what I see, and most folks wanting this usually say something to the effect of ā€œit will kill the high elf debate and screw over the allianceā€

Maybe some folk do genuinely desire blue eyed blood eves and donā€™t wish ill on pro high elf players, but I havenā€™t seen one of those yet.

Facial hair is evil, I knew it!

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