New Anduin Cinematic

Arthas I shall miss thee, and I will not do what Syl and to an extent blizzard said on forgetting your legacy. You deserved better imo, but thankfully blizzard can’t blizzard your character.


While I love Arthas as a character. I can honestly say I’m not going to miss him and the creepy conversations from people who want him to be Sylvanas torturer for eternity


Honestly those where people that where a bit off, I just wanted an act of redemption a flash of the true Arthas before he was manipulated and had his faults played upon. Something that held catharsis for me as a fan of his character and his fall from Grace, and they could have done something good without sacrificing their plans for a Syl redemption.


Truthfully? I can honestly say I PERSONALLY like how his arc ended. Could it have been better? I suppose so. But Sylvanas telling him Good bye and your memory will fade in time is a powerful moment

But that’s strictly my feelings on the matter :smiley:


I dislike it, only because at this point Syl knows who’s actually at fault for Arthas becoming what he was. So it felt more hollow to me.


And it’s fair to feel that way. :smiley:

For me, I liked how Sylvanas admitted she became the very thing she hated in the end


I’m glad that since we obliterated Ner’zhul soul in a raid that we also finished obliterating Arthas’ soul in a raid as well.

What might be leaving people to still believe Arthas should have been redeemed (I don’t) is a line that Sylvanas pointed out, being that there was nothing even left of Arthas to judge, so we’ll never know what the Arbiter - or Pelagos after her - would have decided on Arthas’ life.


Was a waste to destroy Ner’zhul and glad you’re at least satisfied.

Only reason there isn’t enough of Arthas to judge is because of poor narrative decisions, the writers chose to have it be that way.

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One strange thing about the placement of this cinematic is Sylvanas making a statement of Arthas being forgotten, but there’s an upcoming quest where Sylvanas talks all about Arthas.


In the Crown of Wills chapter, she just repeats the same thing she said to Arthas though. About there no longer being a Lich king sitting on a throne. It’s about the entity the Lich king. Not necessarily Arthas


Ner’zhul did torment Sylvanas, too, before she was free of his whispers, yeah.


Ah the crown of wills, what essentially looks like a green drop lol. Oh how I hate that downgrade of aesthetics.

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I think the whole Crown of Wills is just stupid. Why not have the Primus essentially reprogram the Helm of Domination so people don’t go bat ish evil while wearing it.

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The concept, that would be another kind of Domination.

Maybe our characters don’t have fathers to free us from domination like Darion and Anduin.

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I hate it all personally :joy::rofl:

That’s just me though

That’s fair :smiley:

lol I figured it would be fine

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Well, Maldraxxi magic isn’t inherently evil and since the Primus is the father of necromancy, he can teach the wearer of the helm the proper form of necromancy or something

Anything but that ugly crown of wills :smiley:

It isn’t, but… If the Primus were to enforce his view of right and wrong on someone else using the old helm he would be Dominating that person, which isn’t the desired story idea.

They’re going for the idea of Age of Mortals/Freewill with it. Even having the Primus talk about how it became a problem IIRC.

So we’re ending Domination as a wide-reach magic in the story, by using the experiences of major resistors of Domination; distilling their experience/will into a magic item that should prevent Domination from working anymore.

Of note; Sylvanas’s experience is posited as providing her piece to the Crown and helping Anduin know how to provide his.

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