New Anduin Cinematic

I wonder if Anduin pulling apart Kingsmourne was supposed to parallel Sylvanas pulling apart the Helm of Domination.

I know, I’m just trying to take my mind off things and simply coming up with fun alternatives is all

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The odd part there is Sylvanas didn’t even have the will power to break free herself, as it took Illidan’s attacking Ner’zhul to free her, as she brings up that she doesn’t even remember when she got free.


To be fair, I don’t think anyone has actually broken free of domination magic on their own, without some outside interference


TBH I’d put the remembering line down as artistic license more than deeply thought link.

The story now is saying she was a major part of it, or there isn’t a reason for the Primus to have her experience for the Crown.

(My repeat line stands: Bad story data.)

I feel the same way about edgy anti-heroes and “morally grey” stories.

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Ah yes the morally grey quote involving bfa, that aged well lol.


I had admittedly forgotten that Jaina talked to him briefly after Stratholme, but I wasn’t incorrect that he didn’t seek her counsel or advice. That conversation is indeed in the Arthas novel, albeit in flashback, and Arthas isn’t looking for advice from her, only unquestioning support since he’s already made up his mind to leave. He gets angry with her when she tries to persuade him to not go to Northrend and snaps at her, accusing her of turning against him because she wouldn’t stand with him at Stratholme.

I agree entirely.

There’s no shame in that! I only know because I was already watching for Arthas clues in the Anduin fight when the raid testing started up on the PTR, I haven’t played the raid yet myself.

Proud dad spirits stuck in their own corrupted legendary swords, wielded by their mind-controlled nineteen-year-old sons: the weakness in the Jailer’s plans that he never saw coming.

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I think y’all being too harsh regarding that quote.

I mean, what about mass-murder to feed the hunger of a death god who believes the best thing for everyone is the destruction of all life and reformatting the universe because it has an ambiguous flaw isn’t morally grey?

Seems very legit to me.


You’re right I was a fool, was a momentary lapse in my memory to forget how truly grey that was. “Burn it!” Yes gotta burn those children, they could’ve hurt someone! :joy::rofl::joy:

Moral of the story when life isn’t fair feed countless number of souls to your friendly death god who came out of nowhere.


We call it by it’s proper name WispCraft.

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Free the Night Elf souls.


We’ll free the souls when the worgen get gilneas back :sob:

This is the reason why I would give Elune the death kill. It was her children, it was his fault why they were there, he kidnapped her children. Let him feel the wrath of a mother. Elune herself, as the night warrior, gathered up all the lost souls, even the remnants, and releases the energy - since the soul is lost - in one devastating judgment.

Which not only defeats the Jailor, but literally obliterates him until this cosmic spirit ceases to exist and only the damaged but now empty shell remains.


Again, If Sylvannas had been totally honest about why she triggered the Fourth War, then there ARE circumstances that can justify almost any atrocity, including the Burning of Teldrassil, but not necessarily from ALL points of view. This is coming from a culture that could justify burning a quarter million civillians who posed no threat to us in a flash… because we justified in in the longer term. That doesn’t mean that everyone has to agree with that justification. Or that the justification was honest. The United States burned Hiroshima and Nagasaki from on the letter of it, justifiable reasons. However there’s reason to doubt those were the true motivations.

If the long term survival of the Horde is not compatible with a unified Alliance, then given past assumptions from her viewpoint then the war IS justifiable. Even Saurfang thought so otherwise he never would have signed up for it.

A Grey War is not one where the Alliance and Horde come up equal on the atrocity scale. It’s about acts that are abhorrent from one point of view and neccessary from another.

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Boolean check returns false. The rest of your script doesn’t run.


I see your Ardenweald Covenant Campaign completion achievement! You were already a good Worgen that saved Night Elf souls before going back for Gilneas, just like Genn would!


I might not be a fan of NES or the alliance. But I sure as hell wasn’t going to let innocent people suffer in the Maw :smiley:

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You were more of a SEGA Genesis person?


I can’t be bothered to go rescue night elf souls, Micah I’m going to need you to go into the maw again and save more of them for me.