New Anduin Cinematic

Spoilers All the people who said Varian's soul was obliterated can eat crow. Arthas' spirit simply looks like it disappears, but Wowhead says it floats away?

Edit: Now that I think about it, they’re definitely memories, because it looks like nobody else saw them.


Figured it was Anduin’s memory of him and Saurfang.

Anyways, I liked it.


What is it with every father that loses a son adopting Anduin?

It was nice to see the people hurt by Arthas on a personal level get some kind of closure, especially Uther and Sylvanas since they didn’t get to be involved in his defeat in Icecrown.

Also, Arthas is gone forever. :crab: :crab:


I think Saurfang’s last words mirrored his son’s last words(from the Wrathgate cinematic).


Wait… Saurfang? Why is he there? loool Why not show Andiun’s mother instead? Surely her spirit is in the shadowlands somewhere. Why didn’t she show up?

Note to the cinematic team. Speaking slowly doesn’t make the scene heavier or more dramatic.
Anyway. So Sylvanas forgave Arthas’s blue ball. Anyone want to bet who is getting forgiven next?


The characterization of Saurfang honestly baffles me in regards to Anduin. They barely knew each other before BfA, and Saurfang was the architect of something that in any other case, Anduin would completely denounce. Yet it’s somehow laid all at Sylvanas’ feet… and she herself is getting less flak for it.

These were clearly memories as opposed to actually their spirits, so why not Bolvar instead of Saurfang? You know, the guy that raised Anduin when Varian was gone?? Anduin gets saved in part by the memory of Bolvar, and then the vision fades and he sees current Bolvar and has a moment there.

I mean, hell, if Saurfang qualifies, why not Prestor, who also raised him and seemingly gave him a lot of his current morality. Play on Anduin being influenced by both forces of valour and malice, and callback to his roots as a character.

Overall better than I expected, I’m very glad that’s all we get of Arthas, because I was really concerned for a while there. But still very odd choices.


So… I suppose it is worth noting that the last time Varian was seen, his ‘spirit’ manifested while Anduin was touching Shalamayne as well. Both Varian and Saurfang wielded Shalamayne, and that Saurfang could divide it could be seen as the blade accepting him as a worthy user. So… it may well be something to do with the blade holding onto an impression of its past users.


Woah, you’re back, Kaileath. Thought you just quitely unsubbed. Missed you.


that could be a theory… so this sword stores the souls of people? Or an image of them.

What a convoluted mess.


I’m feeling the same way here but I think it was a mistake to give the last few lines on Arthas to Sylvanas. Uther or Jaina would have been more appropriate for the last words about his character.


Sylvanas is his biggest and most iconic victim. On top of it all, she’s one of the main characters for this expansion.


Missed chance there for sure, but it’s possibly Laura Bailey’s hard to get for every single thing, especially since they seem to be flying by the seat of their pants with the story and many VA’s likely are getting called in last minute.


That’s an excellent point.

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I just got bored and did what druids do: took a 10,000 year nap.

I imagine it is most likely like an impression, an after image.

There is some FASCINATING lore implication that Highborn Mage-smith work was so powerful that even Zovaal’s best work to twist it into a Mourneblade didn’t stick.


still though… it would have been nice to see andiun’s mom show up.
Kind of like that scene from harrypotter.


Didn’t Anduin have to teach Saurfang honor? So why did Saurfang talk about honor to Anduin?


Another possibility is these were actually sort of like… sock puppets which the Light manifested as in his subconscious, taking on familiar forms to bolster Anduin’s resolve.

I rather like the Shalamayne theory more, though. Its a lot less… creepy? In a way?


This isn’t a perfect cinematic but it’s pretty good, I’m mostly satisfied with it. I’m assuming that Saurfang’s and Varian’s souls are in Shalamayne, that’s the impression I’m getting. Great to see Sylvanas be self aware and forgive Arthas. Uther is dumb and I expected his actions to have consequences, this is why Arthas shouldn’t have been thrown into the Maw. This cinematic definitely passed my expectations.


I did appreciate the level of raw guilt they put on Uther’s face as he could not stand to see the last ember of Arthas fade. “I did this” was written all over him.


Doesn’t sound like Sylvanas is too thrilled about revenge on Arthas. This arc seems to mirror the Night Warrior arc about revenge. This doesn’t bode well for Sylvanas.