New Anduin Cinematic

So in short I guess extra timelines don’t really add that much to the economy souls.

Souls from extra timelines eventually merge together with their main timeline’s soul.

However, Grand Inquisitor Nicu in Revendreth is explicity mentioned to be from another Universe that burned out, and he seems to have not merged with any soul yet.

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Or he didn’t have a main timeline version to merge with?


Why toss aside Arthas like this? Why is Arthas beyond redemption but Sylvanas can be? Arthas was just as much mind controlled by the jailer as Sylvanas, yet she treats him with contempt.


That’s technically correct, because neither of them were mind-controlled.


Wait yes he was. Arthas book makes it clear that until the start of Wrath he didn’t have much control. And when the expansion started he finally regained control but he was still an amalgamation of several personalities and souls.

Arthas truly became Arthas again when the Helm was removed and frostmourne shattered.


Where is this said?

In the Arthas thread I quoted the exact pages. I can dig them up if you want.
After taking up the sword the internal dialogue inside Arthas’ head shifts.
He starts to think about the light and his original intents and completely does a 180 on them… and the only thing mattered was the voice in his head that had occupied everything else before it.
I am paraphrasing but that was the jist of it.

Throughout the book we keep cutting into a internal mental struggled within Arthas’ mind until these three personalities are merged into one which marks the beginning of that expansion.


Okay. I have paid zero attention to the new raid itself so I was unaware of that.

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I enjoyed it, but I’d like the cinematic more if Varian and Saurfang were actually there as spirits, instead of it just being in Anduin’s head.

As for “why Saurfang?”, keep in mind that the whole point of the fight is that Anduin lost all hope after being Mc’d by the Jailer (the raid even fights his hopelessness in an intermission phase). When Jailer tells him to bomb himself and everyone with him, calling Shalamayne “my blade”, Anduin remembers that it is not true. That blade has history, and does not belong to Zovaal. Then his memories of the previous wielders and their courage help him find the power to split the blades for the first time and pop Arthas out of it, dispelling the Mc. Tiffin didn’t show up because it’s all about the sword.

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Nice Loki reference :smiley:


We don’t know for sure. Wowhead seems to think they’re real.

For the sake of the playerbase a Horde figure of equal stature needed to be opposite Varian.

And if you’re a fan of Wheton-type dialogue, getting the last word in means you win the arguement.


Last words or no but neither Jaina nor Uther had any parting words.

They really had nothing to say?


Sorry. That just looked funny to me as I was reading it, I had to read the sentence again.

Made me think of a conjured wc3 unit being dispelled. And what a McTiffin unit would be.

Literally :rofl:

Omg what a great reply.

That’s what hurt me the most. There is Uther and Jaina…listening to Sylvanas yet again gives a diatribe to Arthas and nobody’s like, “Sylvanas! The man you knew “died” before he even beheld you, let alone cut your life short. Let us provide a respite from his state, this wisp of Arthas… this broken soul WE LOVED! Let us provide for him, our memories, our anima, a fraction of our souls, may it forge him anew lest his soul be lost forever.” They could have done so much more! Again, we get nothing…


You know what that reminds me of?

There was a fellow who literally worshipped Superman until the latter told him that he was no God.

He got pretty angry about it.

He got so angry that I believe one of the Guardians of the Universe… (those blue shrips that can’t do anything right) empowered him and he took the identity of Gog. (as in that name from Revelations)

Gog decided that simply killing Superman wasn’t going to seal the deal.

So he started traveling backwards in time one day at a time.

So he killls Superman who’s escorted to an afterlife waiting room by Deadman.

What Kal-El finds there is a horde of … himself.

Gog had been going back in time and each day he stopped he’d kill Superman in a new unique and hideous way. (One of the Superman ghosts was so disfigured that he was hiding inside his cape.)

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