New Anduin Cinematic

I’m Irish/Italian and German and I still don’t get it :smiley:

He’s inflated by them as well. That’s why he’s so fricking tall.


I see Denona has already addressed the 9.1 release date, so I’ll not repeat that same information.

I only mentioned that it was less than a year ago because you first stated that the quests you had played regarding Uther were a year ago:

I assumed you were talking about 9.1, not 9.0. I don’t know what you have and haven’t played, for all I know you’ve skipped that patch entirely.

Yes, because the writers had Uther throw him into the Maw directly, and then they wrote Uther saying that he was wrong to do so. The in-universe justice system of the Shadowlands, the Arbiter, never judged whether Arthas was unworthy of redemption or not, and specifically had Pelagos comment that he may have had a chance at redemption after all if Uther hadn’t thrown him into the Maw.

Mal’Ganis all but said “hey, come find me in Northrend, it’s totally not a trap,” and Arthas said “okay, I will” without seeking advice or counsel from anyone else. He was reckless and determined to handle the Scourge on his own (and the reasons behind that is a whole other topic I could go on about at length), and it cost him everything. There were other choices, he just refused to acknowledge them, and I’m not just talking about Stratholme.

You’ll note, by the way, that I’m not comparing Arthas and Sylvanas here in terms of how bad each is, because I don’t find it relevant to the topic of whether or not each was deemed worthy of redemption. Sylvanas has also been horrible, I’m not defending her. She herself acknowledges her crimes as unforgivable, and Uther agrees. The main difference between her and Arthas at this point is that unlike Arthas, no one has tossed her into the Maw in order to deny her the Arbiter’s judgement yet.

You must know something I don’t then, because she hasn’t been redeemed so far. She’s been allowed to live for the moment in order to further a broader goal rather than being executed as soon as she was taken into custody, that’s it. She’s gained some self-awareness that she’s turned into the very monster that she so hated, but that’s not redemption.

I agree to an extent, but I don’t think there was ever going to be a satisfying ending to this mess. Regardless of how well she is or isn’t handled in Shadowlands, this whole story arc rests upon the putrid, rotten foundation that is Teldrassil and BfA’s war campaign, and there was never going to be any way to resolve it that didn’t upset a large portion of the player base. The most they can achieve is to make it less upsetting, and to that end I think they’ve been somewhat successful.

Arthas is present during Anduin’s raid fight, it’s unambiguous. He taunts Uther and Sylvanas using Anduin’s voice while possessing him, and manifests as a separate entity during certain phases.

…so I just had a mental image of Odyn as one of those inflatable yard decorations that people put up for holidays, and I’m not sure how I feel about that.


So you didn’t take the time to make sure you read the date correctly?

Aka, you got mad for being called out trying to correct someone and failing. Then trying to claim it didn’t matter anyway. So why even do it in the first place?

Hard disagree. Given the impetus of this entire Sylvanas Saga, his subsequent removal from the company, and the overwhelmingly negative response virtually every step of the way, continuing to draw out said Saga is likely the worst call that could have been made.


In the context of Azeroth.
Night Elf souls make the biggest victims.
And they are equal in victimhood as are all the other souls.


I understand your point, and I can’t even say that you’re wrong, but I can also understand why the narrative team might try to salvage the mess left behind. I myself was optimistic about Sylvanas’ future as a character coming out of Legion, because I felt that Legion was setting up some good potential character growth for her…and then Teldrassil happened. I was convinced that the only possible end to her arc that might be palatable would be to have her go full Macbeth and commit to her villainy until she met a grisly end, and even that felt terrible as an option after the false hope I’d received from Legion. To me, it feels like the Shadowlands story is trying to set her up as someone who will be written out of the current narrative, but who will still continue to exist in a form that might eventually be able to show up in the narrative again some day in the far future. Whether or not it’s the right call, I can’t really blame the narrative team for not wanting to completely get rid of Sylvanas as part of their storytelling toolkit just because a writer who didn’t even create her and who happened to be a real-life piece of scum wrecked her character.


I have a great community for roleplay and world content (wife and 6 kids. Our 4 yo just started playing 2 weeks ago; console port is a great add on.) There really isnt a game that can compare when it comes to medieval fantasy PvP with narrative relevance. Not even close.


Oh, it’s a great game for sure. I just meant the Etheriels of the world. Like if you’re that miserable, why stick around?

RP is one of the main reasons I stick around and the friends I made over the years

This isn’t true. Arthas sought Jaina out following the Culling and told her about planning to chase Mal’ganis to Northrend. She expressed her concern that what he was going into was a trap. But as we know, he ultimately dismissed her counsel. Soon after Uther found Jaina in Stratholme and she told him where Arthas went. We don’t know the exact conversation Arthas and Jaina had iirc. It might be in the Arthas novel, but I haven’t fully read it yet (I am lazy).

Uther the Lightbringer: Ah, Jaina. I thought I might find you here. Where has he gone, girl? Where has Arthas taken the fleet?

Jaina Proudmoore: He came to me before he left. I pleaded with him not to go. I told him it sounded like a trap!

Uther the Lightbringer: Where?

Jaina Proudmoore Northrend. He’s gone to Northrend to hunt Mal’Ganis.

Jaina would later defend Arthas’ actions when Medivh said that Arthas would find only death in the cold north.

The Prophet : The dead in this land might lie still for the time being, but don’t be fooled. Your young prince will find only death in the cold north.

Jaina Proudmoore : You! Arthas is only doing what he believes is right!

The Prophet : Commendable as that may be, his passions will be his undoing.


I’m not sure what the situation is like behind closed doors—it could be that Danuser doesn’t have enough creative control to fix this mess and is dancing as best he can to the corporate tune of “Sylvanas sells!

It is just… frustrating to see all the pieces required to tell nearly the exact same story without sacrificing everything Sylvanas had been up to Teldrassil. Genn has a legitimate grudge and score to settle, the world expects the Banshee Queen to be a monster, Dreadlords serving the Jailer are manipulating everything to serve his nebulous, generic BBEG goals. We could have coasted into Shadowlands with Sylvanas being unfairly blamed (again) and The Horde not being cast (AGAIN) as inherently villainous.

On one hand, I’m sympathetic with the burning bag of feces the current team was left holding, but on the other? If course correction looks like treating the game and characters as we knew it with contempt, the new direction is not going to fair well.

One positive I can see is that they have written themselves a convenient reset button by way of Zereth Mortis. I desperately hope they use it. They need to create new toys and stop playing with Metzen’s stuff imo.


As someone who otherwise found Shadowlands boring or infuriating, I think this is my favorite Shadowlands cinematic. They handled Arthas much better than I was expecting.


There may have been practical limits to… He may not have been able to simply “will the plague” all the way to Lordaeron. He needed advance agents such as Kel-Thuzad and Arthas.


BfA, “Lost Honor” cinematic. That was an underrated gem, and the moment Anduin committed to kingship, in the sense of using his own judgement in assessing people & situations and making big, impactful decisions on his own.

He stepped out of Genn’s advisory shadow, and went to the Stockades personally, and alone. Saurfang really could have killed him. Freeing him was a bold move. It’s not what his father would have done, it was nothing Genn advised.

Anduin gets a lot of grief, but I think he is the most authentically Kingly figure we have ever seen.

I was expecting his liberation, but with this writing crew (hard to call it a “team” when I see little coordination) was afraid to hope.


We don’t know the scale of the universe. This maw fiasco only happened after legion, and most worlds have been destroyed by the legion.

Blizz did say even the souls from temporary timelines end up in the Shadowlands…so Kail is still technically correct

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How many temporary timelines are there? An how many of them don’t include the legion?

The Legion exist across all timelines. As soon as a new one was created, the Legion presumanly invaded immediately.

Infinite number apparently. But most disappear as quick as they appear. And these timelines need a powerful magical anchor to the main timeline to make them permanent