New Anduin Cinematic

I made a thread asking what would happen to all the souls that got sent to the Maw. The consensus was “Who knows?” I mentioned Night Elves because they’re Azerothian.

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Think of all the recruits the Night Elves could have to go on a rampage together.

I will make it legal

But yeah. The gulf between myself and a certain faction of the Kaldorei fanbase is, I would suppose, well evidenced by now.


Sometime I just sit here and read some topics and think to myself Why do some y’all even play? All you do is complain and never look at any of the good things in game

It must be mentally exhausting being so negative everyday, I don’t know how people do it

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It is downright unhealthy to be so negative.

…And the mental mental gymnastics behind Race X is superior and only they matter I see often exhibited rather concerns me given how much terrible damage that exact mindset does IRL.

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It’s just weird. Like, I’m a worgen/gilneas fan and I readily admit I don’t care what happens to the rest of the alliance, but to enjoy absolutely nothing about the game is such a weird concept


And that’s A-ok, you are not actively suggesting things that are obviously detrimental to the fun of other players. The zero sum extremeist mentality I see in them often that sort of makes me wonder… “You ok, tho?” .

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I read the posts and even I get mentally exhausted just from reading them it’s like HOW ARE YOU THIS NEGATIVE?!

I think people especially a subset of NE fans forget that their favored race isn’t the only one who’s been crapped on by blizz.

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In general I feel we all need to keep that in mind.

We are all in this boat together, you know? Insisting the budget go only to making your personal cabin nice does not a seaworthy vessel make.

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That makes Odyn a light wielder.

It’s something I’ve always suspected in some way. His Valkyr have a Light aesthetic.


Odyn’s power is fueled by his infinate pool of ego and vanity.

Val’kyr crack me up now.

He sees the Kyrian beyond the veil and what’s he tell people? “I INVENTED A NEW TYPE OF CREATURE… I CALL THEM… KYr…UH… VAL’KYR”

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If Odyn is a Light wielder and we kill him, do you think Thadeus would consider it edgy?


And that Odin was a poorly written character…for whatever insert Christian reason he can conjure :smiley:

The situation with Helya and Odyn then Illidan and Xera has some parallels.


It does. But most people agree Odyn is a creep for what he did to her and needs to die


You say it like that’s a bad thing. :slight_smile:


There are people who get off on it. Heck half of Howard Stern’s subscribers subscribe to the show so that they can call and get themselves heard on the radio trashing the show.

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More power to them I suppose. I just don’t get it personally. :wolf:

It’s easier to understand when you have either Italian or Romanian blood in you and I have both.