New Anduin Cinematic

I didn’t even suggest that Sylvanas should have been portrayed like the punisher, but like one of the villains from The Punisher.

This thread to too much to process…

I’m going to cry in a corner as the only one happy (correction, i’m not “happy” I am apathetic) Arthas poofed out like fart.

I mean it is kind of funny Blizzard has Sylvanas, who’s excuse for being manipulated by the jailer, is lecturing and condeming a man who was also manipulated and later dominated by the Jailer.

Its subtle but doesn’t this send the message men can’t be victims?


I’m legitimately happy about it if it makes you feel better hun hugs

No. Especially since Uther is there.

Maybe it just means men are not always the biggest victim? That sometimes a woman can be a bigger victim - as Uther even acknowledge by saying her wound runs deeper than his.

The biggest victims are the Night Elf souls.


oh no, not you too…


Pretty much this, people like to forget about that civilians doing nothing, were burned too death by sylvanas, sent to the maw to be tortured where a bunch were then just obliterated out of existence. Anyone who hasn’t had their soul obliterated is much less of a victim.


Hey, there is a difference between liking to forget and not caring to remember.

More to the point, Night Elf souls already got to take out Archimonde. Night Elf souls as a nameless host have done more than some major characters. What is this, World of Night Elf Soulcraft?

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Maybe that’s due to blizzard’s writing of continually talking about and trying to uplift the victimizer while ignoring or diminishing the victims.


The main issue I have is they left it completely open to be retconned at a later date. The anemic wisp present doesn’t speak or even resemble Arthas in any shape or form. We only have Anduin’s point of view that is was Arthas. I don’t even remember Anduin ever meeting Arthas except in a backstory when Anduin was an infant.

Given they way the retcon at a whim at times, this feels so intentional.


All the Anduin and Arthas and Sylvanas stuff aside… something stuck out to me.

Varian says the sword was forged by valor. Saurfang adds “honor.” But it was Varian’s sword. I suppose they are making some sort of statement that the sword is forged by those who wield it, or something.

But what really came to my mind was Voljin.

Eyir said Voljin was saved by the Hand of Valor and she didn’t want to go further into it.

I wonder if “valor” is going to be an actual force or creature of some sort. An aspect of the Light, or something else?


Domination is to Death as Valor is to Light?


Ftfy /10chars

Remember, man.

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But why do it though if it didn’t matter? Why did you feel the need to do so.

Honestly it sounds like you are just mad that you failed to do a well actually to someone. Then try and save face by saying it doesn’t matter. While saying that you had no other choice because you felt the NEED to do so.


I think the idea is to be symbolic, not literal. What Varian calls valor falls into Saurfang’s old school version of honor. Varian became a special dude because he impressed the Wolf God… possibly a blessing from the latter infused his sword.

Because I thought it was the correct information. It wasn’t. That’s really it.

What I’m mad about is you being reddit incarnate. I’m not “saving face”, I admit that I was wrong about the date, but that it’s ultimately inconsequential to the point that it was a long time ago.

I’m really done with you, and this “discussion”.

Arthas made a lot of incredibly poor life choices, even well before he was under any sort of mental sway. Likewise, Sylvanas made a lot of very poor decisions.

You do remember the ENTIRE MULTIVERSE has been pouring into the maw for years now, right? The Kaldorei make up a tiny, tiny, tiny percentage of those.

So how about we say instead The biggest victims are the trillions of souls who never got their just afterlife.

It’s Just a thought.


Is that legal on the SF forums though? Certain NE posters might blow a blood vessel over such a notion :popcorn: