New Anduin Cinematic

Ok deal, Arthas gets the same punishment as Sylvanas. Arthas is obliterated so Sylvanas should be to.

Umm who’s saying that?

Objectively true


I don’t have anyone on the forums on ignore, and I barely have anyone ingame on ignore. It might just be one person, a guy who kept begging me to be his girlfriend. It’s someone who’s infamous for getting Draenei to be his girlfriend until that ends and he moves onto another. Dunno why he went for me, but it was annoying seeing him whine and not take no for an answer.

Not even remotely true. But it’s irrelevant because Arthas is gone for good now and as much as I love his character, I say good riddance.

I enjoyed it until Sylvanas talked.


Well, Arthas just tried to murder one entire planet and remold it in his image.

Sylvanas tried to do it to reality and yeeted people into SuperHell for The Worst Possible Fate (just ask the NPCs) along the way. All with “free will” and knowing what she was doing along the way. And it took her a ridiculously long time to figure out that the guy who answers to “The Jailor” with a chain motif might have a plan that wasn’t in everyone’s best interests (not just the people she murdered with the express purpose of flinging them into SuperHell).

Just sayin’.


Arthas got what he deserved and well….I’m tired of this argument. So, I’m legit done talking about it

If Sylvanas had free will and did what she did while Arthas was under the control of the Jailer, Sylvanas would be objectively more evil than Arthas on every level.


I’m not actually arguing that.

I’m just saying that before the reunion, Sylvanas did as bad or worse than Arthas did.

BluVanas is still a relatively blank slate, though.


Arthas had free will, but he really didn’t have context, which left him very susceptible to Fantastic grooming.

From Sylvanas’s monologues, she had at least some context, but somehow couldn’t wrap her head along the Jailor being a control freak. Even though he had her throw nightsaber kittens and her own soldiers into SuperHell.


He wasn’t punished nor judged… not legitimately. Uther and Devos took it upon themselves to be Arthas’ judge and bypass the Arbiter. He may very well have been sent to Revendreth… people who’ve committed even greater crimes on their own worlds were sent there.

Uther has his own sinstone to deal with.


While I agree with you, the last piece of his soul literally faded away. I’m fine with the idea of Arthas’ story ending in Shadowlands - even getting a permanent punishment for his crimes. But having the last sight of him be a flicker of soul energy that silently dissipates was just a lame conclusion to his story (Garrosh was treated better).


I totally agree with Thadeus. Garrosh had an awesome conclusion, while Arthas…not so much. I get that they wanted to write him as going out with a whimper, and I just didn’t care for that.


TBH. If Blizzard needed a villain to go out with a whimper for “teh storee we are telling”?

Garrosh. That’s who you do it to.

There is a real irony that the little boy who just missed his dad and tried to burn down the world around him because of his need to show off how manly he is ends up as a silent mote of energy, unheard and casually dismissed.

Arthas built this franchise. Simple as. Without WCIII, there would be no WoW. Wrath was the most popular expansion. The game went into decline as soon as Arthas was out of the story. Him going up as a wisp of anime isn’t going to tell your story to those people who came here because of Arthas; it’s going to be seen as the most casual of disrespect to his impact.

Arthas could have been the “in case of emergency, break glass” of Shadowlands.

Instead his return was promised in the beginning, built up in dev interviews, and soul forged into a meme in the end.

Not a good look during the most controversial and disengaging story in WoW’s history.


Before Patch 9.1, I thought Arthas was going to be the “in case of emergency, break glass” of Shadowlands. I’m ambivalent about Arthas getting a redemption arc, but don’t have a problem with him not getting one.

It would’ve been better if there was a climatic showdown with Arthas once he was freed from Kingsmourne that ended in his destruction; Jailer-buffed Arthas Shade vs Anduin, Bolvar, Jaina, Uther and Sylvanas. Even better if Jaina, Bolvar, Uther or even Sylvanas dealt the coup de grâce to Arthas.


It’s actually quite appropriate. Arthas was not active this expansion he was used by the Jailor. Him going out the way that he had caused so many others to be simply mowed down… is poetic justice.


As someone that joined during Wrath, whose first big bad wow villain was Arthas… meh. Arthas was boring as hell without the RTS backing him up.

I think that’s why I didn’t have such a big problem with the Jailer. Without the context of the RTS, Arthas and the Jailer were basically just the same villain with the same amount of story building in game.

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If both Sylvanas and Arthas get turned into dust and be forgotten by everyone then fine. I would be ok with that. But if her soul ends up with a “happily every after” with Nathanos then I say screw that.


You have made me very sad, Anelaan. Very, very sad.

Still a bestie tho.

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Wow so you literally discount all evidence provided to you in favor of your headcanon “NW only in title”

Elune literally intervened to stabilize the power within her with possibly the WQ’s help. She says as much in her quote and her title by all indications suggests that she still is the NW with… NW power.

The only difference is that now she intends to use it for “renewal” and it is stabilized. Whether the ritual itself worked is very unclear- the indication I got is that it failed but the WQ called on Elune and they used some of the power to create the Sister’s Tear, stabilizing Tyrande but leaving her with the remaining NW power.

I’ll just leave this here :sweat_smile: