New Anduin Cinematic

Bigger than Slyvanas? No, she’s a woman! Don’t you remember?


Victim? No.

Most famous and iconic villain in Warcraft’s 28 year history that deserved to have more done with him than becoming a 35 Anima sphere in an in-game cinematic? Yes.


Cause you know you’re wrong.

Let’s be honest now, if the forsaken honestly use the excuse, “We can’t help when we’re evil because of our curse” why the hell would anyone tolerate their existance?

I’m going to say his actions as “lich king” started when he picked up the sword, you know, cause I can. He may have questionable things before that, but I doubt he would have even ended up in Revendreth let alone the maw. Hell, there are people in Revandreth who have done way worse things then he did as the Lich King, Sylvanas though is unpresented in her evil.

Glad you say so, I hope she does get obliterated cause you Sylvanas fans are rabid and need to be taken down a few pegs.


Oh I’m capable, buddy. I have more important topics I rather stick to and I have a 9pm to 6am job I need to get ready for. So im pressed for time thank you very much.

Bye. :wave:t6:

Keep telling yourself that. :wave:t6:

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Ikaar is just one of those people who actually thinks we care about what he has to say.

Most of us don’t.

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Why is someone trying to debate with WoW’s version of a QAnon poster?

Don’t we all know better?


Imagine not having Ikaar on ignore. Couldn’t be me.


His cancerous takes are amusing, simply because they’re are getting more and more unhinged as 9.2 progresses :smiley:

You are missing out on some true hilarity, my fellow Wyrmrestian.

I don’t have anyone on ignore except really gross GD trolls, or certain people that called me names for hours and received no punishment over a disagreement about Mage Tower appearances coming back.

Nobody from the Story Forums is on ignore for me.

If you actually think Sylvanas hasn’t done worse then Arthas you are dead set delusional.


I’m a big fan of curating my online experience to be more pleasant. I’m here to have a good time, not listen to someone spout… let’s say questionable takes on certain topics.


The only delusional one here is you.


The chapter though wasn’t out until weeks later. Also 9.1 came out in June 29, 2021. 9.1 was announced in February 2021.

That moment when you try and well actually someone but it backfires.


You’re objectively wrong.


Oh yes it was only 8 months ago, not 12, that’s a reasonable timeframe.

You’d know this very well, because most of your posts are well ackshually.

But do they backfire to the point that a basic google search proves them wrong?

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With all respect due to your majesty, I’m taking liberty to dissagree.

The depths that people will go to apologise for Arthas while condemning Sylvannas are true demonstrations of ethical and moral acrobatics.

Ignorance is no excuse especially in Arthas’ case where time and time again it’s shown how he went for cruelty above and beyond the call of anyone who was calling his shots.

He MADE choices that are entirely of his own agency, and if Sylvannas is going to be judged on the choices she made after being made undead by Arthas then Frostmourne gives neither Arthas (nor Uther for that matter) any passes either.


We still got Arthas did nothing wrong and is less evil than sylvanas peeps around and sticking to their nonsense still?


I had to google search it because it was so long ago and I wasn’t even subbed at the time. So I picked out the wrong date, the announcement date rather than the release date. Whether or not it was a year or not ultimately doesn’t matter, ackshually Andy. We’re coming up on almost a year since it came out. We’re closer to July of this year than we were of last year. All of that to say, “under a year” is correct, in the same way that 364 days ago would technically be correct to say “under a year”. All that matters, and what was my original point, is that it was a long time ago, and I’m not going to have that memory fresh in my mind. The other person who I quoted said “under a year” as if it wasn’t that long ago and would still easily be recallable. It wasn’t. This is one of the many failings of this MMO’s episodic approach to storytelling.