New Allied races? or Customization?

The addition of new hairstyles is possibly the most immediate solution and always a welcome one, but i think they would need to go a step further than that. The size slider would be a neat feature. I think they had ought to be able to make your character look more haggard as they progress… add rust to your armour, mud effects at the bottom of the cloaks and boots, old blood and dirt stains, and even add prominent bandages.

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To me, the left elf looks a whole lot like the right elf.


  • Ear curves up on Nightborne instead of down. Fair enough.
  • Nightborne has less meat on her bones, but is the same structurally.
  • Nightborne eyebrows are cleaner, because culture.
  • Nightborne has dark skin, this Nelf is near-white (but they do have mid-range options)

So basically the ones that come down to actual differences are the ear curve direction and the skin color. If you think that’s enough to make them a fundamentally different race, we’ll just agree to disagree, I think.

What you mean to say is that they share the same skeleton. Oh. Because Zandalari also share the same skeleton.

This is from an older topic where I listed several ideas for unlockable customization options:


They really should have given the Nightborne the different eye shape they had as npcs. It would have made them feel much different from the night elf model.

Also they could have done the idle stance for nightborne much better than the night elves with half of it cut out. It’s really abrupt where they cut it off lol

A couple of changes and I think I could see them as a completely different looking race. Right now they are as similar as void elves and blood elves. But those two make sense to look exactly alike, the nightborne have been separated from everybody for even longer than the high elves parted ways from the night elves, and even more involved with arcane magic’s than the high elves. They should look very different from the night elves if the blood elves changed so much.

They have the same basic humanoid shape, yes.

Then Z Trolls have:

  • Tusks
  • Body Scale things
  • Animalistic ears
  • Only 3 fingers
  • Only 2 toes (sorry, matched it up with the others, but you know this)
  • Vestigial toenail on heel (sorry)
  • Extended and rounded noses (in comparison)
  • Smaller and less luminescent eyes
  • Literally green skin

That’s what makes them a different race. Compared to “one has darker skin and a their ear tilts the other way”

Hey they do come from the linage of the Highborne. The do share the same skeleton. The Nightborne just don’t stand the same way and they don’t bounce randomly.
The Zandalari trolls share the skeleton of the male troll its been modified to stand straight etc etc.
I might be wrong but I would admit it.

Actually the Zandalari share the night elf skeleton. Even their pandaren models share the same skeleton.

Ok I was trying to find out where they said they are modified regular trolls. But this looks more like it to me also.

We (players in general) asked for racial customization. We received Allied Races with few options. What we want doesn’t matter one bit to the developers. They will just do it their way.

Heck, we can’t even get new hairstyles or colors.

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I would go back to human if they added more options, maybe even improved the animations… humans seem well clumsy… especially with two handed weps.

You’re cherry picking specific traits, and not listing the traits of the Nightborne.

Face it, Nightborne are far different from Night Elves. You mentioned how they have the same “model” when you actually meant skeleton. All the males of that race share the exact same skeleton. If you’re going to say that since they share the same skeleton and are the same race despite separation, then I could easily argue that Zandalari should be included in that category as well.

Tattoos for normal trolls too please. Zandas are cool but the Darkspear need some love.

Well, I was talking about normal trolls.

Currently the “tusk” setting chooses both tusk and face tatoos for male trolls. However, there’s no need for that, Blizz could easily divide the option into two, so one option sets up tusks, the other sets up the face tatoos. We could even have the colors of the tatoos not based on hair color as well.

Other options for trolls could include body tatoos (maybe related to the above tatoo option), beards for male trolls (Vol’jin had a beard, Shadow Hunters in WC3 had beards), tatoos for females.

character customizations are archaic and need updated to keep up with modern gaming.


It’s been so long since I created my Trolls I didn’t even realize the males have face tattoos in all honesty. I would like them for females.

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Yes, females don’t.

It’s about time they give face tatoos for female trolls and male night elves.