New Allied races? or Customization?

Given I’m currently playing an Allied Race… ???

But sure, go ahead and keep drinking that marketing milk.

Void Elves? Nightborne? No?

I’m not. Because I’m happy with how I earned something in a game about progression. This game needs to stop giving players everything when they start playing. Give them something to work towards.

To go along with what I was saying earlier about Cultural Toggles, I actually think both types of Elves (Night Elves / Blood Elves) should have been moved to Neutral with the cultural choice determining faction at creation.

Like I said, I know it’s too late to do these things, I just think it would have been better.

Night Elves? NEUTRAL?

You should be progressing your character, not the ABILITY TO PLAY your character.

Learn to read. It’s clearly implied they wouldn’t actually be neutral. Much like how Pandaren aren’t neutral, but with an actual visual difference if you opt into Nightborne/Horde.

FYI, you don’t need to play a Lightforged in order to play WoW.

Where is it implied? Also, you want neutral but not actually neutral? What are you talking about? Edit: Oh, so Nightborne are the exact same race as Night Elves? Yep. Sure. Ok.

More customization’s would be awesome. Being able to have more hair styles, hair colors & skin, change the weight, height, tattoo designs, piercings, eye colors, etc. This would make a chunk of the player-base happy as it would show that the devs care about the little things as well as the big. They can’t seem to figure that out though.

I do love the allied races and how they keep implementing them. More races the better imo. However, if i had to choose one, I would go with the customization’s.

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Do you think Pandaren can walk into both cities or something?

No, you choose your faction after a few quests. This is the same thing, but you’re effectively doing that at creation instead. The ones who choose Night Elves would be on the Alliance. The ones who choose Nightborne would be on the Horde. They’re both the same race, just separated by time.

No. They’re not. That’s like saying Zandalari and Nightborne are the same.

Yeah except Zandalari and Nightborne aren’t clearly sharing the same model.

Nightborne don’t look like Night Elves to me. Nightborne don’t seem as bulky. Also, what does that have to do with “separated by time?” Because that’s what Zandalari and Nightborne are.

I have always thought the weight change + height option has been long overdue. most games are able to use this feature and have the armor work with each “size.” feature such as this would help make you character more unique.

We have gotten both this expansion.

Night Elves got a new skin color and eye color. Blood Elves some new faces and eye colors. That’s the tip of the iceburg.

Not to mention the heritage armors for the base races.

ALL races need more customization beyond the eye color.

Bad phrasing, my bad. Elves evolved or mutated or whatever from Trolls. I get that. My point is that I don’t feel Night Elves are a significant mutation of Nightborne or the other way around. They’re the same, one is just way more magic focused to the point where they’re dependent on it, which gives them a bit of a different look, kinda like High Elves / Blood Elves (or blood elves / void elves if you prefer). or how LF Draenei have white/washed out skin tones presumably due to their lightforging or whatever while regular Draenei are largely blue-tinted.

The only thing really different about Nightborne/Night Elf is the ear shape, which is still similar, just kinda reversed.

Absolutely. People want their characters to be defined uniquely. That would be a good step in the right direction to making races and classes feel that much more unique.

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But they don’t look similar. Nightborne and Night Elves look very different. They’re like polar opposite of dark elves.

While those implementations are awesome, I feel they could do a much better job with races as a whole as far as adding more customization. A new armor set doesn’t feel much like a customization option to me but I am happy to see they are creating them.

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I think an entire race to unlock at max after a rep grind is a little much in terms of the type of game we are playing. There is a lot of time to invest into a character and create them into something you adore and feel an attachment too. The process of leveling another character to get that one takes away from it in a way. There is nothing wrong with grinding and working for a long time to earn items or titles (I have the insane title lol obviously I’ll do it if it’s there and I want it!) but a whole new character is a little much.

I still think making achievements account wide takes away from wanting to play and progress a single character like we did back then. :blush: I’m not much for playing many characters at once though so maybe that’s why I feel this way about it.

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