New Allied races? or Customization?

It would seem inevitable for no one to be happy with all of the possible AR races that Blizz could implement, so if it were your choice would you say “make more allied races” or “No allied races, more existing race options/customizations”

Personally if they did more hairstyles, skin colors, race-class combinations, possibly tattoos for certain races the community may benefit even more so than allied races.

For me i’d say no more allied races.


I think that you can have both. Allied races are interesting to a point. Races like Junker Gnomes and Highmountain Tauren should be more of a customization option.

I just hope that this isn’t a way that Blizzard can say they gave new races without actually creating something unique.


This gets my vote. I like some of the AR but there are so many existing races that desperately need some updating and just more options overall.


You’re right. It would.

Wanna know why?

Because that’s what Allied Races are to begin with. Even Blizzard has said that with something like KT Humans their goal was simply to provide different body types.

But instead of putting this stuff where it belongs – in character creation – they ripped it out, forced a grind, forced another (even more pointless) grind for their armor, and called it a “feature” to sell copies of BfA.

And some people are swallowing it up and begging for more.

Now, don’t get me wrong. It’s fine to like what we’re given, but it’s just the crappiest most roundabout way to get what they’re giving us. They could have advertised new customizations just like they advertised WoD models. But I guess that wouldn’t require buying an expansion (or would break precedent if it did), so they didn’t.


More customizations while building upon the lore of the current AR and doing some character development for their major characters. We’re introducing races faster than we’re developing characters at this point. I can’t even remember She-Thrall’s name without googling it.


Oh, we’re -totally- overdue on new character customizations for the Vanilla races. WoW is nearly 15 years old, and we’ve only been given very few new options since Cataclysm/Wrath.

Straight back orcs, Golden Eye Blood Elves, Night Warrior Night Elves. We now need more!




You know, I don’t really consider Zandalari Trolls as a customization option for normal Trolls. The only ones this could be said for are the Highmountain and Lightforged Draenei.

I did like the idea of ARs at first, and I do enjoy my LF draenei, but its disappointing how little customization is available for them.

I would like to see more class combos personally. Paladin (night warrior) night elves. warlock dawrves etc.

I still like the AR concept, but every race could benefit from a bunch more customization.


Still could have been a cultural toggle at creation.

But… it’s not. The Darkspear and Zandalari don’t have anything in common. They’re both trolls. But that’s it. They’re absolutely nothing alike.

You’re misunderstanding.

Picture 2 buttons when you click on “Troll” at creation.

“Darkspear” and “Zandalari”. Effectively choosing your tribe. “Culture” was just a word that would fit more generically across all Allied Races.

They can’t keep adding allied races, at some point it will feel like it’s too many. There will be four more (vulpera and mechagnomes included) and I think we won’t see another pair for a long while.

So, I go with customization. All races need more customization, even the allied races. Specially the nightborne and night elves!

Beyond new hair styles/colors for everyone, there’s some interesting things that could be added to the races, like:

  • Beardless but with eyebrow male night elf
  • Separate tusks/tatoos into two distinctive options for male trolls
  • Give the DK-only and DH-only hair colors to all characters of those races
  • Blackrock, Dragonmaw and fel-red skin options for (standard) orcs
  • Wildhammer tatoos for dwarves.
  • Grimtotem skins for tauren

Blizzard could even mix the systems and make more unlockable customization via story and achievements.

Ion did say they were working on more character customization, so I think we may see it either near the end of BfA or as a feature in next expansion.


I do hope they decide to give the old races some new customization options too, with the new transmog options for no shirt they are left without any interesting markings, runes, tattoos, battle scars, or anything.

Even if they could create different markings that can be associated with our class or specs instead of our race it could be fun too.

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But still it makes no sense. Zandalari and Darkspear don’t have any similar customization. They’re not like customization options. The Zandalari are a completely new race.

The toggles would still be unique. You wouldn’t be mixing Zandalari options with Darkspear options. It would be 2 separate things both under “Troll”. Might be able to get away with some tusk/hair options carrying over or something.

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But what’s the point? That’s what Allied Races are for? All you’re asking for is a UI change.

Also, how would you apply this to Vulpera and Goblins? Put them under the “Short” category?

The point is to make it available in a way that makes sense with what we were given in the past.

The only reason to provide Allied Races as a grind that come along with another grind is so they can pretend it’s a piece of content on the box.

In reality, it’s inconvenient at best, and a nightmare at worst.

Let’s flash back to BfA’s launch. Say you started out and already KNEW you wanted to main a MH Orc / DI Dwarf. Or say it’s not right at launch and a new or returning player decides that same thing at whatever point in time.

The process:

  1. Level up a throwaway character, at worst from 1, at best from 110.
  2. Grind reps for ~3 weeks on said throwaway character once at 120.
  3. Yay! You’ve unlocked [Race]!
  4. Reroll preferred race.
  5. Level preferred race from 20 to 120 because there is incentive to do so.
  6. Catch up with all that endgame progress on this character.
  7. Yay! You can finally do what you wanted to do in the first place!

That’s an absolute nightmare, and a problem that only exists because Blizzard wanted what’s best for sales / MAU and not what’s best for players.


Oh… so you’re basically trying to come up with an excuse so you don’t have to earn Allied Races. Gotcha. Makes no sense.

Vulpera, if they happen (decent chances tbh) are quite literally the first example of an Allied Race that deserves to be separate. They’re clearly BASED on goblins, but with no real aesthetic/lore connection. They should be released with another “unique” race and THEY can start the “Allied Races” tab.

Obviously it’s too awkward to make the change NOW, I just don’t agree with how things have been done.