Because I’m a big ole meany
Yeah, the fish people would be pretty cool. I much prefer the more “original” races to the basically reskinned ones. I can’t believe Vulpera would be the only one out of them all thats original.
From the direction Blizzard seems to be going (focusing on more customization options for existing races), I think it’s unlikely we’ll see any more derivative allied races. By derivative I mean a race that’s basically just a variant of an existing race. Lightforged are derivative of Draenei for example, but Vulpera are not derivative of Goblins even though they use the same rig.
I’m guessing any future allied races will be more their own thing like Vulpera are rather than just “Humans/Elves/Orcs from a new land”. That’s not to say new allied races might not look derivative. Take the Kyrian for example, they basically look like blue Humans. But the Kyrian aren’t Humans (though some of them may have been before they died) and would likely use few if any existing assets of Humans outside of a few animations here and there.
I expect that going forward, allied races will be fewer and further between but more distinct and original rather than just a copy/paste of an existing race painted a different color.
I should hope not.
I really don’t care about the newest flavours of the month. I want that which should be playable to be playable.
I actually just posted about this here: No New Allied Races! Give Us What We Already Have!
Well it’s really up to Blizzard to determine what should be playable. We can only give our feedback and hope they listen.
Ogres seem like something that should be playable to me, and hopefully now that Kul Tirans exist, that rig can be adapted to bring playable Ogres to the Horde after all these years. In this case an Ogre allied race is not derivative. It’s something new even though it would be based on the Kul Tiran rig.
The question, then, is the definition of an “Allied Race” vs. a “Core Race.”
Ogres should be core, as they have been core literally since the beginning of the game. They were officially inducted into the Horde during WarCraft III.
Meanwhile, Allied Races should remain as fun variants of existing options to flesh out the selection with options that don’t quite make sense as a “core,” or just as an excuse to add another option for racials and a little fluff content. I think Vulpera were the exception here, rather than the rule.
I don’t think we’ll see any more “core” races as they currently exist today (start at lvl 1, no unlock required, etc). The reason I say that is because they require more work to implement (at least if you really want them to be equal to other core races) than allied races do.
Allied races as variants of existing races may or may not happen going forward, though I have a feeling if we do get another derivative allied race it won’t be for a long time and there’d need to be a really compelling reason not to just make them customization options for the race they are being copied from.
For example, there are still people asking for an Alliance High Elf allied race, but that’s very unlikely to happen at this point since Blizzard seems to be rolling High Elf customization into Void Elves to fulfill that desire. The same can be said for Darkfallen (San’layn, Dark Rangers, etc), they are an oft requested allied race, but have a far better chance of being added as customization options now, which is why we are currently seeing topics asking for them as customization (even if an allied race would be preferred).
I do find it a little suspicious that some options seem like they’re deliberately being glossed over when it would be relatively low effort to make certain options playable, however.
Dark Iron Dwarves are a reskinned race I was ok with because they’ve been here since the beginning of WoW. However, the rest were just lazy. They managed to make 1 original race that wasn’t even here until BfA. They had several other races that have been around for a while now… Orcs, Naga, Arakkoa, Jinyu, Tuskarr, etc.
I agree. The Darkfallen options already exist for the most part and would be an easy “gimme” barring some additional work needed for the female skin (it has no undies). It is strange to me that it hasn’t at least been announced as “coming soon!”. I would have thought it to be a sure thing since the male skin texture and red eyes for both sexes are already done. Just the female skin needs some underwear for modesty.
Same for Dragonmaw and Fel Orcs. Forest Trolls. Even Leper Gnomes.
I’m willing to believe that some are oversights, but might others be reserved for future Allied Races? One can dream.
Not sure what they will be giving us next. But, and mind you this is tinfoil hat territory…what if they gave us Rajani Mogu and the Ramkahen, kind of like what happened with reps at the end of legion.
Food for thought.
Honestly, would love to see Ogres for horde, and for alliance, something like Ethereals or Tuskarr, a unique model not just a reskin. Ethereals could work lore wise now that you have void elves, diplomacy!
Honestly, I’m still stunned that Wildhammer Dwarves were relegated to the core race.
Yes the wild hammers were distinct enough that they should have been their own thing. Much like the dark iron.
Ogre, sick of them not being in the game.
Yes, give me playable Sethrak.
Once again, I get to show off my “Horde Triforce of Hope!™” for races I really want to see become playable on the Horde!
Courage! (Saurok)
Wisdom! (San’layn)
Power! (Ogres)
Other races I want to see playable on the Horde include Gilblins, Hozen, Taunka (their own race or customization option), and also some more Troll Tribes as customization options. (Forest Trolls, etc).
There is plenty more room for new races on the new Shadowlands character creation screen, and I hope we see more new races as time goes on with future expansions.
Fish people? Yeah…
Can you explain the appeal of San’layn to me?
I find it strange that the only Horde connection they have comes from an entirely Alliance perspective. As such, it seems like a race that the Alliance believes belongs on the Horde, rather than one that would actually fit in.