New allied race?

I’m afraid that might be true… :pensive:

Can we not?

And yes, Kyrian or Vyrkul please


Sethrak (snake people) and Saurok (lizard people) both are very cool and unique. But it seems like both would join the horde based on story and ideals.


Night elf worgen


i’d like to see Ogres added before anything


Playable ogres for Horde and vrykul for Alliance are all that matters really. Everyone’s been screaming for these races since the beginning and it’s honestly embarrassing Blizzard hasnt added them yet.


none needed.

I’d rather expand what we have than add to the pile.

Isn’t that what they’re doing in Shadowlands? Think it’s reasonable to do both.

Dragonmaw Orcs. With their unlock also granting the ability for Hunters on the account to tame dragons (or the Dragonmaw exclusively, but in the interest of a little faction equality…).


Vrykul haven’t been around since the beginning.

more new races will just dilute what we have. We went 3 expansions without adding a new race, then we got like 9 in the last 2 years.

As i said, there is no need to add more at this point. Play with what you have.

When I typed that up, I knew some pedant would reply with something along the lines of this post lol.

Because it’s not true, heh. Ogres have been around since WarCraft II… Vrykul with Wrath of the Lich King. That’s a 13 year difference. Hardly a pedantic one.

Vrykul for the Alliance
Ogre’s for the Horde

2 Big bois that everyone wants, no complaining :wink:


Completely disagree. Adding new races does not take anything away from the ones that already exist.


I mean, if your favourite race or subset of that race is playable, this is an easy stance to have. But if you’ve been wanting to play something for literal decades now and it’s still not available? You better believe people are justified in asking for it.

I don’t think we should get “new” race - just make those already technically allied with us playable.

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You completely missed my point. Vrykul were a popular choice for a new race ever since they released in WotLK.

If I missed the point, it’s because you made an entirely different one above.

People have been clamouring for High Elves and Ogres “since the beginning” of WoW. One has been granted, if not in a corrupted way. The other has been completely ignored. Vrykul, yes, people have wanted them since their introduction (like every other race). But that’s hardly “since the beginning.”

Since their respective beginning* :3

There. Happy? Can you stop being an insufferable pendantic bore now?

Why the personal attack?