No need to entirely new creations when we have a plethora of “Allied Races” who joined our factions previously but are not reflected in the playable roster.
Horde examples include Fel Orcs, Dragonmaw Orcs, Hozen, Ogres and Taunka.
Alliance examples include Broken, Wildhammer Dwarves (that they are a customization option solely is a travesty), Jinyu, High Elves and Frost Dwarves.
The Mag’har Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves were my favourite additions for good reason - they’re the only ones that people had been asking for. For more than a few months, at least.
While it would be nice, I suspect that most of those Allied Races will end up as customization options for existing races. If we’re lucky Blizzard may eventually opt to clean up the Race Roster by merging some races (Tauren and Highmountain Tauren), and allowing players to select a subrace which would change the name plate, class options, and racials.
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Lightforged Undead for Alliance, Ogres for Horde.
Alliance gets a Forsaken model, Horde gets a repackaged Kul’Tiran with a few different animations.
Honestly, I’m personally not a fan. But they’d be infinitely preferable to whatever the next rep grind races are what we never heard about previously.
This is a bad suggestion and you should feel bad for suggesting it.
Do thin Kul Tirans if we need this so badly.
Well, Rexxar uses the Kul Tiran rig, so why not.
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It wasn’t a bad suggestion. It was a calculated and Horde-favoring decision.
…Which of course is why I suggested it, and why it could get traction. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Back, Ion! Back! Back to the Investors’ pockets with you!
I agree Keldar. Very much so. Especially with the travesty that is the Wildhammer being only customization.
I feel like Ogres should be added with Naga as core races for Horde and Alliance not allied races.
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Yeah, with the new customization options another repeat of LFD or HMT would be a waste at this point.
Something like Hozen is a good suggestion, different coloured orcs are not and could just be rolled into orcs.
"Clinical Trial 13, Subjects responses are exceeding expectations. Ah which reminds me. Call Terry.
…Subject A however, remains at large. Begin Clinical Trial 14."
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I don’t like any of the races you listed except Jinyu. I’d prefer they added the new Shadowlands races over any of those.
So let’s say you get super attached to one of those races. You absolutely adore your covenant. And they actually wind up joining your faction during the storyline!
… but sorry, Allied Races aren’t a feature for this expansion. So they’re not going to be playable. Even though they got a ton of characterization and overtly joined your faction, you will never be able to play as one just because the art department was stretched when they were relevant to current content.
This is the pain that people feel. Honestly, only two - maybe three - of those that I listed interest me, personally. But I can also take joy in the joy of others.
I would much prefer to see long-helm dreams fulfilled than get even the hottest “new hotness” race added.
Fake news.
We’ve been told there are no Allied Races planned for launch, and that they’d look at player interest and feedback regarding making races from the Covenants into Allied Races during the expansion.
Thats Blizz speak for we’re not doing them anytime soon if we’re doing them ever again.
Even then, though, if they do AR’s they really should cover the races that are still missing from the Horde and Alliance before they tackle the newest craze… These races have been requested for an age and are already a part of the factions involved. They should have been the first races added.
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A bit of a stretch, but technically correct. Haven’t you learned when Blizzard reps say things just to placate people, though? “No current plans for X, but potential for it in the future,” and other such platitudes just mean, “No current plans for X.”
That being said, I could have chosen any expansion as an example. If Allied Races were a feature from the start, I can guarantee you that all of the example races I listed would already be playable.
I’ve seen a lot of people trying to spin their own narrative as, ‘That’s Blizz Speak,’ for a while now.
Personally, I don’t see Allied Races going away. It’s a big money gimmick, so long as they listen to what the community wants.