New alliance race -centaur

Alliances want a horse creature now? Hmmm… :thinking:

I don’t care about the Ogres so go for it as long as we get the high elves, both races are last old school race not added to their respective factions.

what would you want?

Technically horde sort of already had centaur or a centaur join in a comic.

which comic

If you mean those ugly things in Thousand Needles, nah

“Dorthar is a centaur from Desolace that was nearly killed in the Southern Barrens by his own kind and Verdrak, whom he looked up to, for being known as a “runt”. Dorthar was saved by Malgar just before his execution. He then aided the Garad’kra, telling them about Aratas and an imprisoned group of orcs. While travelling to Desolace by a zeppelin, Dorthar underwent a series of tests. When the group arrived to Maraudon, Dorthar promised to free and accompany the prisoners to the safety while the rest of Garad’kra fought against Aratas and his “father”. He eventually joins the Horde, possibly the first Centaur ever to swear the Horde oath.”

Source: - World of Warcraft: Bloodsworn`
From an mmo-champion thread

so would they be alliance or horde

Whatever blizz decides is the answer. Although I would like to see Dorthar on the horde in some quests. We have so much races that joined the horde/alliance that aren’t even in the cities. Like horde has ogres. They just aren’t playable. The Drogbar joined the highmountain, and the highmountain joined the horde. We never see any more taunka, not much hozen since bfa.

it would benice to have this added

You ALREADY HAVE HIGH ELVES… you “high elf” people are insanely delusional.

They are void elves, not high elves.

What do you think Void Elves were? Trolls? Watermelons? Or were they HIGH ELVES… who all they did was pick up void powers… they’re still high elves.

what if they make a cross between a void elf and a centaur

That would be like saying the dark iron dwarves are bronzebeard dwarves. Or that the lightforged draenei are the same as draenei. Gameplay they are considered two different races. Unless we actually we actual see elves with the high elven monicker then, no I dont think we have gotten high elves.

Holy necro, but to contribute my two cents, I’d love to see more centaurs and centaur-like races as allied races. Playable characters with four animal legs could be a new and interesting dynamic.

and Dwarves are still Dwarves no matter what faction they’re apart of… Blood Elves? High Elves. Void Elves? High Elves. Lightforged Draenei? Draenei.

You have High Elves in multiple flavors.

what kind of armor would be good for them - Leather, platee, mail?

Hmmm I think lighter armor for sure. Most likely leather.

that is what I figured either leather or at most mail