New alliance race -centaur

centaur a centaur race for alliance would be cool - their racial bonus would be they are their own mount .


The centaurs joined the Horde though. lol

How about lets just be happy as Alliance that we’re getting the Night Fae Fauns later on in Shadowlands or in 10.0 :wink:

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lol, centaurs are horrible. If you look at them closely there’s flies swarming around them.


Since the time of allied races, alliance has requested every single race within azeroth and otherwise to join the alliance. They hunger for all and no matter how much they recieve it is never enough. The most common occurring theme is stealing races that matches the Horde theme perfectly and begging it to be with the Alliance. See the multitude of high elf spam threads.


yes, and venthyr with kael’thas as racial leader. hehe have you seen him? aint he pretty

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Yes I have seen him before. Many alliance players want the venthyr clearly a undead related race to be in the alliance and yet the alliance cant even accept the fact that the forsaken are a thing.

i dont think they fit on alliance. some people think we’ll get them because the devs have been trying to make alliance more horde like and horde, more alliance like, for years.


I mean if the covenant races did become allied races the undead covenant and the vampire covenant are clearly themed similary to the forsaken which is Horde while night fae is themed from night elves which is alliance. While the angel people are themed after humans.

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Centaurs for the Horde.

Dryads for the Alliance preferably.


i agree, only problem is, thats counter productive to their attempts to make both factions morally grey. for sure, the kyrians seem like an alliance race because of their titans focus. but night fae fit both factions. thats the hard to place race since they also are connected with troll loa.

i dont see how night fae fit both, clearly its night elf druidic culture at max, i dont see any horde druidic culture in it.

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then give the centaurs goblin fae.
and the dryads, gnome fae.

then they are a two man team, not just for fighting but also double as mounts. hehe

Weren’t the centaurs the entire reason the Tauren joined the horde since they almost drove the Tauren to extinction?


someone mentioned they are connected somehow with troll loas. i dunno. dont ask me. they use the draenei skeleton, specifically, the female draenei. both the male and the female use the female draenei skeleton. they look quite similar to draenei. not sure they’d do that.

I believe the Horde wiped those tribes out to extinction. Theres tons of centaur tribes. But I think the horde wiped all but 4 at this point.

That’s correct, the centaur clans drove the Bloodhoof from their original home and attempted to wipe them out…they’re also an extremely agressive race that made desolace what it is today with their constant infighting. Though a small handful have pledged themselves to the horde.

Us Horde had to go kill Centaurs in the barrens, and bring their heads to Crossroads. So it would make sense, if Alliance want something different here it is.

we’ll take dryads. i like butterflies.


Your cuteness is Cringy.


something wrong with dryads?