New AH house mount in the Bliz Store for $90 USD

Okay, I did laugh at this. :rofl:

:smiley: :point_up:

:neutral_face: :fist:


Shocking. Truly.

this is how blizzard should make money.

i already instantly bought myself one and gifted one to my friend.

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First mistake was believing them when they said this, I knew as soon as they said this ya ok in a few years well see one on the store one day and look here we are…i wish i could find that post, people even laughed at me and said it will NEVER ever be on the blizzard store

Tokens are going to explode. I predict at least 500k today.


lets hope!!!

pretty cool that theyve made it nicer looking AND with a mailbox AND cheaper overall

Why would anyone be mad about something you aren’t forced to buy? lol


$90??? For a mount?
Ok… like… I’ve always been of the mind that the cash shop for mounts/pets/cosmetics is fine. Like, Blizz is a for profit business and for profit businesses are supposed to make money. Always felt that the shop’s been fine as it doesn’t offer anything that affects your ability to play the game, or affect your characters power. I’ve gotten stuff from the shop, when they did charity pets I would do those and if there was a mount I really liked I usually waited for a sale to grab it. I enjoy the subscription bonus stuff, as I would be subbed anyway so “free” stuff is nice.
However… $90 for one item? Uhm, you guys ok Blizz? OOOF, hope people that get it got it with tokens or something.

Why don’t Blizzard just come to our houses and slap us directly in the face and tell us “You know that 5 million gold you busted your hump to get so you could buy this exclusive mount? Well F— you were just gonna let EVERYONE have it now”

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woot woot cause this 197k nonsense is nonsense.

I own the original Brutosaur mount. Funded mostly with in-game gold that I farmed up during that time as well as getting me over the edge with like the last million gold in tokens.

When I heard about this mount, and the fact that this one comes with a mailbox too…

It took me about 30 seconds to make that purchase.

How bad must the player numbers be for them to do this move ?


i was joking with my friend the other day about how if i ever had a long boi id bully people and move away, now i can do that.

Weeeeell considering there’s no brag news post about TWW sales or subs or anything I’d say it isn’t flattering

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If it gets that high, I will be buying some tokens, lol

It feels bad they do this during the anniversary when the players should be rewarded and not fleeced of money and bronze token time.


It shows the cash shop is creeping deeper and deeper into a game when arguably with a sub it never should of had one

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To be honest… this has actually struck a chord in me. I’ve been a long time player of this game and seeing a -mount- that offers in game advantages for RL money… as the PRICE of a freaking top tier expansion package is astoundingly obtuse.

Many of us are enduring massive inflation as it is and this just hurts that much more. OF COURSE people are ‘poor’ and NO not everyone is an AH goblin… this is just crazy.

I came back to play after taking a break to take care of the family home and figure I’d have fun with this anniversary thing but this just really ruined it. All I’ve seen is massive cash grabs and it’s not gifting squat on such a huge milestone aside from us paying even MORE to this company and getting nothing different in return.

I think this might be the final call for me. I’ve resisted the urge to go for many years and I finally feel as if this company and the game I grew up loving is just no place for people like me anymore. They have been a shell of what they once where for ages and this is just even more blatant in our faces.


Yeah, forgot about the mage tower skin. It would be really unfair if they only bring back the mount but not everything else.

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