Never used to care about raider IO

Fire is great in those super organized professional high key groups with methodical pulling.

I play Frost because I am not in such a group, and enjoy something more all-purpose like that.

Yet you can pull up a log on that run and see where it failed. I am sure you knew that with all your experience though.

Timed more keys than you so far…since you are so big on the start of this season lmao.

Here you are not playing 50% of endgame pretending you know a damn thing lmfao.

Dude, I’m an Alliance main. :rofl:

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Dude, im sure.

If you actually knew how to use RIO, you’d be able to find my main. Ezpz.

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It’s cause locks are one of the least desirable classes to take into m+. I guarantee you that if you were to roll the meta slave classes (and with your skills) you would be snatched up easy.

Totally man, I bow to your skill clearing 15s and all on your “main”.

Ill ignore how you went back on your own argument multiple times now, how you switched it to “we said 10s are hard”, and how you now have a main that has done everything but arent posting on it.

This week is the start of a new season and there is no reason to do anything above a +6. SOOO even low keys are mobbed with the big guns.

I had a 2700 IO rated DH join my FH8. That’s an unusual discrepancy and - as expected - the 2700 rated person didn’t really know how to communicate to my 1300 rated brain and got frustrated I didn’t know she meant to pull adds off to the side and solo them due to bursting. (I’m a tank, I always try to get aggro… always)

Over the next 2-3 weeks things will settle down.

I don’t have to post in the forums on my main. This toon’s linked to her on RIO, you can go look it up if you want. :rofl:

Man, you are just sooooo bad at trolling. It’s more fun when y’all are less obvious.


I mean problem seems very easy for me to see… Gnomes… lol

OH LOOK, “dont need to post on my main”…gotta love the most basic trolls lmao.

I think we hit all the checkmarks.

Comments how things are easy - check
Changes arguments multiple times - check
calls other people trolls - check
“dont need to prove anything” - check

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that was do to bolstering some adds have alot more HP then there connected ones. So they all die fast then the guy gets bolstered 5 times and you wipe

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I think you’ll actually see things settle down next week. Mythic raiders are grabbing whatever +6s and above they can get into atm; but next week, we can start pushing again.

This week is sort of a free-for-all, where gear is capped at 445 and we’re all just trying to figure out the new affix.

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It’s the unfortunate side effect of systems like IO. Ultimately, it’s easier for you (not necessarily you but in general) for you to take your anecdotal experience and just use that as a baseline for choosing who to bring. It’s totally understandable that you wouldn’t want to take the time to investigate the full IO profile for every single applicant. That would be time consuming madness.

However, it makes those who are quite capable, but haven’t met the specific threshold (1.2k is often what I see thrown around in GF), feel quite terrible when they are constantly turned away. Some people can just dedicate a swath of time to improve their score, but some may only have enough time for maybe 1-2 M+ a week, meaning their score will languish for a considerable amount of time, especially if they are going to be stuck doing insignificant keys in this time.

Blizzard also really needs to implement their own version of IO, one that is robust enough in game to allow leaders to see a suite of information on a players M+ experience. This would go a long way to alleviate people returning from breaks, for example. Beyond that, I’m not quite sure what Blizzard could do to assist newer players who don’t quite have the time to grind out M+ runs


I would REALLY like to see Blizzard implement the RIO system in-game. PvP has a rating system, so the mythic+ players should, too.

And yeah, I have to use my experience when selecting groups. I hate healing fail runs, it’s incredibly stressful and absolutely no fun for me. Mistakes are one thing; but when people continually fail to interrupt Death Bolt Volley in KR, or get hit by Kula’s axes, or stand in Eudora’s Grapeshot . . . I’m not going to have a good time. Rather than pumping out DPS between big blows, I have to emergency spot heal. Doing that 100% of the time is awful.

Can confirm, I’ve healed harder on pug 10s than Mythic raid bosses. And healed less on a guild 15 than Heroic raid bosses.

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Let’s look at the actual issue here with OP. A mage is a dps. Anyone that has built a group for their key would know that the few seconds it goes up, you have a flood of DPS applying to join.

OP is just one of MANY dps that popped up on a list. It probably has nothing to do with io, or it might with other dps with a higher score applying.


A lot of mages can do good DPS.

Do good mechanics?



Last time I listed a 10 key I had over 20 applicants in 120 seconds (I timed it for this very reason).
Regardless of io the vast majority of them were going the be declined.

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They have a 1700 raider io score on their main from last season. Yes, that’s timing multiple +15s and higher. It’s really not that hard to type in a name in on a website and then click a link.