You are pretty big on experience but your keys aren’t high, you’ve never cleared heroic raids this expansion, so what experience are you actually applying to your argument?
I will gladly give you the benefit of the the doubt but since you are so big on experience you have none
Inb4 “this is my alt and I don’t have to get on my main to prove anything”
Frost is awesome during bolstering and sanguine, what are you talking about?
Couple of issues. A player running a lot of M+ (and thus high IO) doesn’t inherently make them a better player compared to one who doesn’t. I’m not saying they aren’t/can’t be better, but the act of spamming M+ alone does not make one better.
Like you said further, it shows (a high IO) they have possibly more experience, but even then, that could potentially not be true either. A person who does a wider berth of M+ dungeons will have a higher score than another player who primarily does a certain subset of dungeons (say for specific pieces). IO is especially flawed in this regard, as the score it gives doesn’t care if you did 200 SoB’s and 200 Freeholds, you will be given one score for your best run in each. Meanwhile, someone who has completed potentially lesser keys in every M+ dungeons will find themselves with a better score than you, with easily less than 30 dungeon runs.
Now, if you go beyond the surface of just looking at the number IO assigns, and look at their current and past season experience, then you are using IO to a much better capacity. Only issue with that is if you’ve decided to change mains, IO (afaik) has no means to readily relaying the data showing you’re stats from another character, so you have to hope people will look into, and believe you are, another characters profile.
Fire mages easily do that on combust…trash or boss…
All these IO experience defenders seem to really lack a lot of it
Ooh, heroic raids are sooooo hard! AMG THEY ARE SO HARD!
Call me when you start timing +15s. And yes, I’ll know if you paid for carries.
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Careful…you are making a lot of sense.
That’s just it. people only want the best spec for the class, and in this case it’s fire.
Still didn’t answer why you have no experience, including 15s?
In fact you are doing nothing but bolstering my argument.
“Come see me when you time 15s”
I’m a raider, I do a 10 for the week. The fact that I have to pump out a 15 for a number than an ADDON assigns to just do said 10 is a huge flaw.
Thanks though come again
This is true, but honestly? I have about 350 runs from the last season across 4-5 toons. In general, players about 1.3k are quite good. As a healer main, I hit about that threshold and can DPS roughly 50-75% with a decent group.
Around 1k score, I’m healing a lot more of the time. Under 1k? I’m healing almost 100% of the time.
It’s anecdotal, but it’s what I see out there in general.
10s aren’t hard, dude. Sorry.
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Who said they were hard? Do you even know what you are arguing?
As the saying goes “mad because bad” and it really rings true here
You’re really bad at this trolling thing.
Telling someone 10s aren’t hard and actually doing them are 2 different things.
You’re most likely not getting turned down for IO (people are quite aware that we’re less than three days into the new season and nobody knows the new seasonal yet), so much as 100+ DPS full of rogues that applied alongside you.
Dude, I can heal 10s in my sleep. This week has been rougher than most, given that we’re learning the Awakened affix, but it’ll chill out as people get more familiar with the new stuff.
It again ZERO people said a 10 was hard. You pulled that from nowhere lmfao.
I have a sneaking suspicion that you don’t do high or low keys if you think this way. Low keys can go horrible too with a horrible group.
And yet here you are, failing +9s and complaining that you can’t get into pugs.
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