Never quit a role so fast lol

Good grief. And then you do that and get kicked


yes. as a hunter main I know. Hunters are an exclusion to the rule, not an exception. They have been designed from the ground up for solo play, unlike most classes. The whole fantasy for two of the specs is literally solo play in the open world. I know it sounds weird, because all classes CAN solo…but they weren’t designed around the mentality, they just have the ability to do so. Not the same thing.
Pointing out that hunters can tank mobs with their pets while using a bunch of cooldowns to reduce their pets damage taken by over 60%? Not really a fair thing to say they don’t need a tank or healer.
Just because a few fringe, highly skilled and usually overgeared players can do a thing, does not mean it is normal.

quite often the healer isn’t even loaded in and the tank is already near the first boss because they didn’t even hesitate for one second before chainpulling literally everything and anything.

because suddenly everybody is watching mechanics and using their cooldowns insted of making me do it all lol.

never once not done my job, what a stupid question to ask in the first place. “Oh, you are clearly doing harder content, do you know that you have to play your role in this game?”
Cheese and Rice…

And again, it doesn’t distract from the fact that people wipe. No matter the reason, it indicates that some healing was needed.

Usain Bolt can run faster than any human alive and he can do it barefoot on almost any kind of ground, or at least used to be able to.
Doesn’t mean you can, or that really anybody else can. Listing an extreme outlier case does not make a solid case.


Me neither, I assumed OP was an easily frustrated 64yo w/ control issues, but maybe that’s just me.

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making any conclusions based on the heroics experience is kinda clown-ish in itself. i’d keep going to get a better idea.

cant deduce anything from silly heroics.
it’s kinda like making judgements on rock-climbing when all you climbed is stairs.

That means your contribution was expected.

That’s people playing on potatos.

but you said they don’t need heals. stop. just stop.

troll comment is troll.

I literally have a 2k dollar pc and loadscreens have nothing much to do with us, and everything to do with blizzards bad net code. why even try and be so dishonest?

Either my contribution as a healer is expected, or we don’t need healers. You can’t have both things, and it made me kinda sad that you tried so hard to troll. Could have had a serious talk lol.

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Big mistake, tanking is horrible outside of raiding.

Your contribution is only expected if people expect you to be present. Else, they will suddenly not need heals.

If everyone else is loading in faster than you, you are playing on a potato.

Only if it goes bad :slight_smile:

Just leave lol.

Unless the duo has a tank themselves, they’re beholden to you, not the other way around.

Tanks >>> everyone else at this current point in time, for M+

Tank sets the pace, if you can’t keep up that’s on YOU… and if the group altogether can’t keep up, kick me and I’ll find another group who is actually prepared to play the game.

Are you dense lol, i didnt use IO as an insult. I used clown as an insult, i thought 1.8k io was decent but youre here trashing it

Yeah thats sad that youre excusing that behavior. So when OP joins your key and bricks it because the only tanking experience he got is “dps do all roles” dont complain lol

You cant make this up, community forcing tanks out of their own roles is wild to me

A lot of people in here that didnt read past tbe first sentence kek. Zoomer adhd retail kid struggling on the forum

Just do what I do…”You pull it, you tank it” that will get them to stop

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Yeah that’s not how that works. If the tank is pulling too much and causing wipes then the tank is at fault. If one guy is running ahead to the point the other 4 can’t keep up regardless of if it’s the tank or not, then the odd man out is the one at fault. You’re objectively in the wrong here. This is group content not me content. You’re part of a team and if you want to go off and Leeroy through everything like you’re the only one that matters, there’s follower dungeons for that. Point blank folks like yourself are part of what’s wrong with this game.

I’m not objectively wrong and you can spout about how things work all you want, doesn’t make you right. If they can’t handle the pace, leave, kick me or role tank yourself and set the pace… those are your options.

You seem to be the one in need of follower dungeons… always some gripe and blaming everyone else, you’re the real problem, players like yourself… who rather whine and complain instead of improving and adapting.

No you are objectively in the wrong because you think that group content revolves around one person and it doesn’t. You are one person with one opinion. If you can’t stay with your team then you are the problem. You are not the end all be all of group content you think you are and have made every attempt under the sun to justify your arrogance, elitism, and willful ignorance. For over 20 years now it has been that you stay with your team and you don’t go spouting off like a Leeroy Jenkins wannabe and cause issues for your group. So quite literally you are arguing against 20 years of game mechanics, so yes you are objectively in the wrong and no amount of your wishful thinking or whining will make you correct.

Then you go into mythics and pull that Leeroy chain crap and wonder why no one wants to tank or heal for you as you’ve whined about in other threads. So yeah you are the problem. It’s really quite simple, stay with your team, don’t go off and pretend you’re Leeroy and you’ll have a much easier time in groups. If 3 people stand in stupid and die as a result, they’re at fault. If a tank runs ahead and pulls an entire instance and gets stomped because he ranged the healer, then the tank is at fault. If the healer tries to join an instance and is going oom every single fight even when it’s just one guy and the group dies, it’s the healer’s fault.

Facts are what the facts are, and the facts along with 20 years of this game say you are objectively in the wrong. The group as a whole sets the pace, not just one guy. If you want ultra fast runs, make your own groups instead of trying to dictate to 4 other people as though you were made king.

And for the record, I do tank. But you know what else I do, I stay with my team and don’t run ahead like tool because it’s not about me, but the team as a whole. The fact that you think you’re the only one that matters is part of why you have a tank and healer shortage. So yeah you’re the problem.

Yea, I’m not reading all that rage essay non-sense, gonna need a TL;DR. Lol.

All I saw was you say I’m “objectively” wrong, which I’m 100% sure you don’t know what being ‘objective wrong’ means. At the end of the day, they have their options and they should do what’s best for them… you can cry as many rivers as you need, not gonna change anything, learn how to keep up or roll tank. :person_shrugging:

I know a lot of people are going to roast you over it just being one bad group, I’ll assure you that it’s too common to ignore. You’re smart to give up, it’s not worth tanking for randoms.

M+ has been by far the worst addition to this game at a community level, integrating mythic i0 completely destroyed it.