Never have I cared less

Good thing you aren’t at change of the story and Blizzard disagree with this stance after announcing the next book will be around Talanji and Zekhan as the main protagonist.

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I’m not sure what cause you think I’m trying to get sympathy for.

I don’t find Troll fans such Kisin to be particularly interested in uniqueness for everyone. Where the actual interest lies is in expanding Troll lore. Feigning a stance against homogenization is just a facade.

See the title of the thread.

Yea made by a Person that is likely the alt account of certain user that does click baits with his belf mage.

Besides do you realize you can use that phrase against any race including the Nelf? And from seeing how toxic has become this small community I’m not surprised the increasing jabs Blizzard is making against them

So by your argument Blizzard has been butchering and destroying the Night Elves for years because… the community is toxic?
Besides that I rarely see any toxic night elf posters as much as I see that from posters of other races. People have every right to complain and bash Blizzard when Blizzard treats that part of the fanbase like garbage and wants them gone. The reason why people are complaining in the first place IS because blizzard treats them/their race like this.

No, just that BFA made then snap and has taken very far with the constant harassment from threads and comments at almost every forum that has something wow related.

I think you need to check the threads done during the pre patch, Darkshore and the last cinematic where Sylvanas rage-quit

Agree with this as long the other part isn’t bashing races that has nothing to do with it(like the thounsand of threads I see constantly about asking to another dungeon/raid about kicking Trolls because they’re “easy prey”)

Every fan of any race of this game has a lot of complains but most just fight each other rather than direct that hatred toward Blizzard and their crew of writers.

Heck this post is the proof of that seeing how a nelf fan throwed a fit because his race doesn’t have a god that carry the souls of the deceased(and no Elune only carry the greatest heroes to the stars)

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I don’t know much of Kisin but I am talking on behalf of myself and it always annoyed me a lot when people pretended to know me while knowing literally nothing about me.

Especially when I am a new poster here.

And the post of mine you responded to was part of a discussion being had with Kisin, not with you.

I had already responded to you separately. This is where our conversation left off:

Don’t you think you’re assuming a little too much here?
I think we’re all interested in the lore of our preferred race first and foremost, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t grant others the same right.
I have known Kisin as someone above such a selfish mindset.
I’m not so sure about you.


Really? Here are Kisin’s thoughts on the subject of Night Elves no longer being the original race on Azeroth:

I don’t see an issue here.

at first it’s his personal theory, backed up with reasoning based on how similar tropes were used in other fantasy settings. It has nothing to do with nelves being original race.

Second thing is actually a lore fact backed with a source link in the very same post. (and ALSO not his opinion)

and last point looks like continuation of first point. So pretty much “older people learn stuff slower”. You’re free to disagree with it, but that’s nothing that has to do with nelves being separate race on their own. Nor I see his opinion regarding this subject, his opinion is reagrding how race that has shorter lifespan is advancing faster than people who feel they have all time in the world.


I think you missed the part where Kisin was making a direct comparison of both modern Trolls and Night Elves being descended from the same original Trolls, and this making Trolls more special because they evolved more and Night Elves less special because they have not had generational refinement the way modern Trolls have. This comparison is only possible when having the same starting point.

But Kisin can indeed post being for or against the idea of Night Elves being descended from Trolls rather than being the first race to arise from Azeroth directly instead of us speaking on Kisin’s behalf.

If you want to talk about your own opinion, though, Tihoccan, are you for or against the idea of Night Elves being descended from Trolls and do you think that is homogenization or not?

Are you serious? He wrote it becuase it’s NOW a canon, and it’s been a canon like that for a while. Are we supposed to go backwards to the lore before it was all retconned because it might upset people like you?

It’s like me saying that humans came from titan constructs and human fans taking issue with it. They would be justified if it wasn’t a canon, they would be justified if it was just me who made it up. But Kisin didn’t make it up. He wrote his theory taking various sources which are canon. I personally disagree that trolls are much smarter than they used to be, as I don’t really see it, only Darkspears were shown to somewhat advance. But it’s his thing to make theories using other game reference inspirations and using various examples from game.

I’m not the first person and not the last one who “butts in” to conversation since it’s a public forum. And I find it amusing when people accuse someone and provides “proof” which is not really there.

It makes me unhappy because I don’t want trolls to be related to elves, but it was hinted since Vanilla (there were a lot of examples which i found surprising myself when playing classic) and was made a canon a while ago. So I had to gave up and accept those arcane-well altered cousins.


And should Trolls end up being originally from Titan-forged you would have to say the same thing to yourself.

But they’re not. They were already retconned from predating titans arrival and “being there since dawn of the world”. It would be retcon on top of retcon in this case.

And you’re the example I just described a moment ago. You made something up, and expect people to like it because you like it. And going all defensive for people who say that it’s not what currently established lore sais.

And retcons affected Night Elves in the exact same way:

    The reclusive Night Elves were the first race to awaken in the World of Warcraft.

So once again, if Trolls were retconned to be originally from Titan-forged, you would be saying to yourself:

I wouldn’t be saying this because I’d quit the game by then. And nelves being not the first race on Azeroth is a thing since Vanilla - If I’d know since Vanilla that there is a chance trolls came from some mysterius source then I’d be willing to adapt to it, not when it was abruptly thrown in my face randomly, especially when many sources claimed otherwise by such a long time.

And “awaken” could mean something else than a first race to actually appear on Azeroth.

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Up to you. I don’t think you’ll be finding anything the Warcraft’s Trolls anywhere else, though.

I don’t know how they should when Chronicles are supposed to be written from Titan POV and they say explicitly that trolls evolved naturally. Due to conditions provided by the Well of Eternity, granted, but that’s not the same as an intentional act of creation.

But if it is ever retconned and trolls are indeed titan-forged, I definitely demand Chronicles have to be rewritten in a more troll- friendly way :wink:


It is a peculiar case were the Titans also did not mention Uldir or MOTHER or the Chamber of the Heart in Chroncile, and we saw in-game that the Titans did not disclose this knowledge to even Highkeeper Ra-Den.

Obviously the only way this would actually be confirmed a retcon would be if that Titans didn’t want anyone, not even their own creations, to know about their experiments on the Old Gods.

That is just another upsetting thing that they did in Zandalar, they could’ve put Titan Facility to Kul’Tiras which was more of a blank slate country than already established zone. But nothing in Uldir was hinting that it had anything to do with Troll creation. Quite the opposite.