Night Elves: "The first race to awaken"

10/29/2018 04:58 PMPosted by Drahliana

Maybe the Dark Trolls the Night Elves evolved form were the idiot cousins of the Troll family. :)

My theory is that the trolls of today are smarter than the trolls that became the night elves and then stopped aging.

Think about it. Night elves have only experienced a few generations since the War of the Ancients, with a large number of people from that time still alive and well. Trolls have experienced nearly a thousand generations in the 15,000 years since the dark trolls found the Well.

In that same time span humans in the real world went from cave paintings to creating World of Warcraft. It's only natural that modern trolls would be far superior to their ancient ancestors, where as night elves really haven't changed at all since that time.