Guess blizz/M$ got offered enough money finally.
Does it really matter? It’s all fake digital goods.
I prefer playing the game not buying progress
Yea man go live in china and let me know how it goes. Enjoy wrath rofl
To be fair, Chinese servers have gotten exclusives since Vanilla. This is nothing new. All the murlocs in classic, a panda pet, they’ve been given all the TCG mounts blizzard refuses to give NA/EU players as drop rewards. (rooster, the spectral tiger)
I do think it’s fair they get the chance to receive the Remix rewards since they weren’t able to play, though. Maybe not for free but have them available to purchase with gold or some easy to obtain currency for a length of time equal to remix (90 days?).
As for the world first prize? Nothing is stopping any other company in the US or Europe from offering the same to their region’s players as far as I’m aware.
Like any business Blizzard will prioritize new customers (growth) over existing customers. Unless it comes to making more money in which case they will figure out how to charge more money for the same or less stuff to give their existing customers.
Don’t worry. They’ll be “existing customers” soon enough.
They already were customers, Netease screwed them over for nearly 2 whole years.
Lol I’d be really hesitant about playing WoW in China, personally.
The game was already shut down once, how do they know it won’t happen again?
If I had to start all over, I’d just quit lmao.
Yeah but they have to live in China.
It’s more like the culture in the East is far more receptive to the idea of paying for extras/advancement in most of their games, unlike here in the West where people faint over just the price tag and shudder/gasp that things actually cost money.
They are doing their best to simp because they got kicked out of China and probably lost a lot of money. IMO its overboard, but w/e.
did you just laugh at your own joke?
Agreed. It’s excellent news.
Ok so ?
/10 characters
WoW should never have gone back. The CCP is a substantial issue, and companies shouldn’t be bending over backwards to try to do business over there.
Blizzard has absolutely nothing to apologize over. Netease is to blame for everything that happened. Much like a LOT of Chinese companies that try to steal intellectual rights.
It’s not all of the east, it’s very specifically in China. They have a mindset of winning by any means necessary, and that means cheating or paying to win. Blizzard knows this, Blizzard capitalizes on this. Good on Blizzard.
Blizzard pulled out of China because their IP was being stolen.
I’m glad every day regular people over there get to play the game again if they didn’t have other means. That’s all I really care about. People in all countries have been getting all kinds of game things that I can’t or won’t, or don’t care about for decades, makes no difference if they get bonuses that I won’t get. Won’t change my game and I can sit here and simply be happy for them.
It may be a lot of stuff, but it seems the china players are not happy due to the video. It shows a lot of swearing words.
P.S. Whoever created Li Li should be fired.
It’s like that with a lot of stuff unfortunately, USA folks get ripped off in a number of ways:
- 3rd world countries get the “natural” versions of food products, for example 3rd world countries get natural sugar in their soda while we get synthetic/chemicalized crap like high fructose corn syrup added to our versions of the same things
- a number of cancer causing chemicals are outright banned in other countries like in Europe, but over here it’s “perfectly fine” to add those same exact chemicals to the food supply
- overpriced health insurance (self-explanatory/undeniable)
- $50-$60k+ gas trucks… when the same exact truck (basically) is sold for like $15k in 3rd world countries
- over in China, they actually have affordable $10-$15k EVs that regular/everyday USA people could actually afford… meanwhile, the “options” for USA folks are $90k Teslas and $90k Fords
- here a 5000 mAH phone battery is considered longlasting, but in China I hear they already have consumer phones with like 10,000+ mAH built-in batteries
- I hear that hi-speed internet is significantly cheaper in other countries (even accounting for differences in currency purchasing power), but over here it’s like $100+ per month and usually it’s a monopoly/only 1 major provider available in the town or city like Comcast (for example)
- etc etc
want to know why they cut corners with the materials aka Tofu-dreg project
They only went without WoW for a bit so blizzard stocks would drop so they could sale the company to microsoft.