Why would bots shut down in NA region because China is open again? That sounds like more opportunity.
Now that’s a collab I can stand with
Can’t believe metzen took some time off to be part of the video.
I’m guessing he didn’t have much of a say in the matter. Everyone has a boss, him included.
Well I thought they would use someone like ion or something but I didn’t expect metzen to be the one. I mean metzen is now leading the story and I would have thought his hands are full and stuff.
Ion’s stage presence is practically nonexistent. I wouldn’t send him either.
What about Holly?
Only slightly better than Ion, in my opinion. lol
If you are going to send anyone to hype a player base up, it’s gotta be Metzen.
So will this mean I’ll stop seeing all those chinese groups in the group finder as they go back to their own region?
So to sum it up:
- A sped up WotLK Classic with faster gearing to account for it being sped up
- A level boost for WotLK Classic that skips a lot of the initial legwork (early reps and gear, exploration, etc), since it’s incredibly sped up
- A sped up Dragonflight that is effectively 1 month long
- No Remix, alternative way to get rewards Remix made easy or had exclusive
- A slightly tweaked version of an old BlizzCon mount that was never available in China
- Two of the Trading Post monthly rewards (Ash’adar, Harbinger of Dawn and Aura)
- 500 bonus Tender for 12 months to make up for missing the first 18 months of the system
- A bonus vendor with 20 of the ~150 items from the Trading Post’s first year, to make up for the fact they had literally 0 chance to get any of it
- An incredibly terrifying version of Li Li
- Chromie supports everyone’s rights in China
- Pizza Hut potentially no longer just Hatsune Miku’s domain
All in all, seems pretty fair to account for the game outright not existing over there for a few years.
Good for them!
Hey lili looks cute okay.
That model looks like Jade from Jackie Chan Adventures got cursed into bear form, which is apt, given Li Li in MoP is basically Jade, but looks a bit unsettling.
What you haven’t watched any cgi cartoons in your life?
They deserve it all after having their accounts and characters caught up in the NetEase vs Blizzard slap fight.
So TWW prepatch on August 1st, maybe?
Well it has to be overblown cause after a year of no wow many players might have moved on to other stuff.
this is the highlights for me
The prepatch event for us starts on the 30th of July. So start of prepatch here is likely earlier than that.
unlike some people i dont care what they give the chinese players.