NetEase (blizzard services for China) destroys their Orc Statue and live streamed it

That’s not even the saddest part, the saddest part is that there are some people in this forum still pretending it didn’t happen. They believe that America is this super inclusive, free and totally not corrupt society.

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It’s also a great place to get financial advice.

Do any of you actually live in America, by the way?


Thankfully no.

Parts of it are, but I don’t think any society is free from negatives, esp when dealing with power structures. They all have bad aspects of culture, history, even current society.

I would still prefer America to say, a dictatorship/authoritarian Govt.


turns out it’s really hard to overthrow a competent military especially in the modern age with modern weaponry. rebellions are only successful if the country is already in collapse.


The faster USA collapses the better. When I turn into a zombie, there are a bunch of you on here I’m going to enjoy eating.

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People also don’t know how good they have it in America. Even if things have gotten worse, it’s still one of the best and most free places to live, we’ve just had to deal with some rotten administrations lately. Still at the top of commerce, still have plenty of natural resources and food. Things could be incredibly worse.

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This is why we all plan for the zombie apocalypse!

In 2022, China had the largest armed forces in the world by active duty military personnel, with about 2 million active soldiers.

1.412 billion (2021)


1,400,000,000 / 2,000,000 = 700

So each Chinese soldier would just need a KDR of 700 to 1 and they would need 0 defectors but I totally get what you’re saying.

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Paying $4+ on gas and $10 a dozen on eggs is definitely the best

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thank goodness all the zombie games i played lol
till the zeds get smart lol

This is a very American thing to say, you’re saying they have to kill every single one of their people.

Wow. very American

When I go out into town, and visit some stores where there’s large gatherings of people, and I see everyone on the phone, I wonder if it’s already here. I can hear the faint sounds of zombie moaning in the back of my head.


The egg thing’s due to bird flu.
So uh…yay I guess.

It’s hitting us too. The prices going up on all food I mean.

Leave it to Europeans to twist a thread about a Chinese-based company representing its Government dissolving ties with a US based company based on the host’s extreme conservative values, and it’s the US that’s still evil?!


Have you seen any of the videos where Asian people are getting assaulted. It sure doesn’t look like they are being assaulted by “right wingers”.


People really gotta stop thinking of conglomerates as having a moral standing. THAT is a very American thought process.


Are you right winger?

There was multiple bird flus few years ago and eggs never went up to $10 a dozen

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