Nerfing spears on nw for tyran week is trolling

Have you ever questioned that why a guy with less ilvl than you, also full pug but has timed keys much higher than you ?
For same thing, some people think it’s easy, but you think it’s hard ?

Cool but an iffy mechanic shouldn’t be a breaker of keys and 3 spearing minimized the breaking of keys as much as possible. Good for that guy I guess I got ksm already so I have no incentive to push nw now

Lmao I’ll see how NW is after a change. I did NW once (or twice, maybe?) it was NW8 so there was nothing special to say. I never got the key again. Luckily, my current key is NW11, I’ll try it tomorrow. My ilvl is 615 btw, I am 2 ilvl less than you, and full pug.

I pugged my 7 at 1:30 am lol full pug. Doing 11s is like doing delves past 8 why no better gear than 10

For fun, of course, do you play games for fun or for gear ?

Bit of both but if a difficulty doesn’t offer a reward matching it I won’t do it. Not worth the time for no better loot

I remember watching the TGP when the hook grabbed the tormented miniboss and gripped it into melee.

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Do we get an update on this? And post on the toon you cleared it on, for science. And by ‘for science’ I mean that your story isn’t adding up. You keep talking about the dungeon with SL tuning, but not TWW tuning. You also say that you’re full pug and only ran it once on an 8. I find it hard to believe a pug took someone to an 8 NW that had no clears of it prior.

My current main is Raknawarrior. I mostly play my own key so it wasn’t like I joined a pug. I can’t change avatar on phone for some strange bug. But if you are a stalker enough, there was a recent post in another thread that asked me to change my avatar and I did; you can check that on my activities.
I joined a NW9 pug yesterday to test out my route, the stiches was the easiest kill, while the group struggled with other bosses.

I also joined a GB8 last week with 0 prio experience. Unlike NW I already knew the dungeon in Slands. GB was new to me and was still a +2.

Stacking 3 spears is strategizing, but what Avillager is saying is true. At a certain point, 3-stack spears won’t work anymore and then you are SOL. In high keys you need to distribute the spears for a multi-phase fight. The spears also do AoE which highly damages the abominations making them easier to cleave down so they don’t spawn multiple.

The same applies to the first boss in Mist where being DPS CD starved makes the tree phase much harder and more dangerous. Strategies change in high keys from the lower brute force onces.

This comparison also disregards how much more powerful the weapons in the dungeon were in shadowlands. The anima golems alone made pulling massive trash packs a joke and you could stack multiple spears and a hammer on stitchflesh to chunk his health down massively. I personally like this dungeon but to say its not much more difficult than the shadowlands version is just not true.

People hold on w/e bs they can think of to justify their argument ? Who has complaint about the trash in NW?
NW was never an issue with trash because of all borrowed power. Removing robot anima orbs is healthy for this dungeon. Even with the changes show me one person on this whiner forum complaining about NW’s trash ?
You think stitches is hard because of some non-traditional mechanics. That’s because you play low keys enough to see what the heck other bosses do in high keys. At high keys, the first boss’s spit = instant kill if you don’t have defensive cds; 2nd boss and last boss wiped a bunch of TGP pushers more than your “too hard” 3rd boss.

you said its not more difficult than shadowlands… due to the weapons difference it is clearly a harder dungeon. I don’t really get your holier than thou power trip dude. maybe get over yourself.

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Read again, dude. I said the boss fights are typically the same. And with the nerf it’s easier

ya now with the nerfs its easier. the first tyrannical week you were pushing over 1mil hps to heal through the abom aura on that fight. and the weapons were massively nerfed from shadowlands. The complaints were valid as the fight was much more difficult this expansion, especially from a healer perspective. I haven’t healed this fight on tyran post nerf so can’t comment on how much easier it is post nerfs but it seems your “this fight is so easy” perspective is only coming from a meta tank role post nerf.

You are coming at this mindset from the perspective of probably SL S3, the easiest season of SL tuning wise, where we started with S2 tier sets, bis S2 trinkets, and a 26 ilvl gap. These all made it extremely easy to push up in keys.

In S1 you get none of those “boosts” to get you going. You start from the bottom on top of having a 34 ilvl gap instead of the normal 26. People are running keys ~50% lower ilvl than usual. This isn’t as much of an issue as you think it is. The only problem that people complained about was Festering Rot which is now been nerfed to the ground twice now.

yup and you can read my post above stating that the problem was healing through the rot damage pre nerf.

That was only if the group didn’t do the boss mechs correctly and had multiple aboms up for long durations. I did NW 5 or 6, I can’t remember, and the healer only did ~550k HPS. If you can’t one-phase the boss then you need to focus down the abom and change up the strat.

Regardless, my point about the season’s 34 ilvl gap is massive and way overlooked by too many people. If we follow the standard 1-1.5% DPS increase per average ilvl gain, multiplied by Spear damage buff, and multiplied again by 3 DPS, that’s huge.

you don’t need to talk down to everyone you know. I healed a 7 the first tyran week and the fight was a minute faster than the 5 you tanked the first week. I understand the fight mechanics and how the aboms work and just don’t believe at all that your healer made it through a stitchflesh fight that dragged out for 3 minutes with 550k hps pre nerf.

edited to note your fight also included an augvoker

How did I talk down to you? Everything I said was factual and data driven. Just because it goes against your opinions doesn’t mean you are being talked down to.

This is you trying to talk down to me. If you healed your 7 and needed over 1 mil HPS then I guarantee that people messed up the 3rd hook and you have double abom up for a while. The healer in my run did do ~550k HPS.

What does this have to do with it? You realize that they changed how details logs Aug’s involvement right?

You are the one being condescending right now and it’s hilariously ironic. I talked about facts while you tried to make everything personal. You looked up my runs. You compared my runs to yours. You don’t “believe” what I am saying happened in my run. You are making excuses about there being an aug in the group.