Nerfing spears on nw for tyran week is trolling

2nd boss is very hard if you have a tank that isn’t good at dealing with those mages. You don’t have Blood DK / Prot Pally, the mages will go off. That boss doesn’t show who it’s targeting with bolts. Those bolts take half your health with a giant shield absorb.

It’s actually slightly buff to Stitchflesh according to the maths unless you use spears b2b2b. The group needs to kill Stitchflesh before 3rd aboms because the tank can’t live with Stitchflesh and double adoms.

I wouldn’t surprised that Necrotic Wake has the lowest completion key.

Sorry but this means you don’t know the mech as much as you think.

That’s like every boss? because if you do stuff wrong, you can die.

I’ve had times where the hook hit me and not the boss on stage many times and I wasn’t even in the way of it. The hook is not reliable not one bit

Back off from melee dpsing then.

Knowing this nw is a dead key for season I have ksm there is no point in me running any more keys of it

This is countered if you use the Anima Orbs that I keep seeing people run past. There’s 3 of them in the dungeon.

I also see tons of groups not bring a soothe for the boss (or the first 2 pulls) and they don’t understand why they died. People in general this season seem completely unaware of group composition.

You are frequently dying to the hook, you saying it’s a dead key is because you can’t admit you are doing it wrong and trying to blame it on a non-existent bug.

Bro, Mori would be ashamed of you.

i had a NW 12 where the hook hit a warlock gate last nightt. Watched the VOD back and everything. I thought they fixed that

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A lock gate? lol that’s pretty bad.

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I know for a fact I’m not in front of it at all so explain that

The hook grabs anyone in its path. If you are not “in front” of the abomination then you are either too close to the front-side where your hitbox is slightly in the path or you are standing inside the Abomination’s hitbox so the hook grabs you because you are technically “infront”.

If you separate the abomination into the anterior and posterior planes, you should never be in the anterior half. You should always be fully behind the abomination and not inside the hit box.

You think you know, but if you are getting hooked you objectively do not.

Kind of bewildering that Stitchflesh gets his HP chopped, but the Aboms he calls in are left unchanged on health.

I leave a gap I don’t trust the hook one bit

I think git gud is the answer to most of the problems people have around here, but I gotta call you on this one.

The hook mechanic is garbage. It’s a ‘fun’ idea that the game engine cannot handle consistently. I’ve seen it hit my totems, players that are clearly not in the path and I’ve seen it simply fail to cast for no apparent reason whatsoever.

The fact that it gets cancelled if the target is bopped is just terrible design. Using a defensive ability should not break the entire encounter.


I think it grabbing objects is unintended and wasn’t a thing in Shadowlands. Obviously bugs need to be fixed and shouldn’t have been a thing anyway. Like hooking the Affix crystals a few weeks ago.

I have not seen it hook a player though when they weren’t in front of it.

I’m not sure why anyone would get bop’d during the hook. No one’s getting physical damage except for the tank that doesn’t get hooked.

I don’t understand, NW was a push key back in Slands. The bosses’ mechanics are the same as before. Tank also couldn’t survive 2 abos. What makes this key become a pug killer this season ?

They changed a bunch of trash counts, moved ice spinning dude before 2nd boss and more. They buffed aboms health in beta or something. They triple buffed rot damage aura before TWW release and they have to balance the rot damage aura in live patches. NW is a lot worse in TWW than SL.

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well. none is complaining about trash. so the current NW’s trash is fine. I only hear the complaints about the 3rd boss, but strangely, the boss’s mechanics is exactly the same as SLands. Abo now has rot aura, but does it matter ? Tanks still die on 2 abos as they did in the past.

NGL I wasn’t really active in shadowlands, so I am not really familiar with the mechanics, but I think there is too much random sh%t going on the third boss. It is especially noticeble because of how “clean” the last boss is. There is literally no reason to have all the floor covered in voidzones on that type of boss, where you need to precise repositioning just to have a chance to complete it.

Lol, if I was blizzard, I would be frustrated af.
Slands people: yo, this dungeon is a free key. It’s unfair for other dungeons.
Tww people: wtf man, this dungeon is disgustingly hard. I quit.
The 3rd boss in NW was also a make or break encounter in Slands. During tyran weeks, we also had to save 2-3 spears and gave it oneshot or deplete. But people didn’t complain.
It feels like player quality has gone downhill over time to me.
S3-S4 DF has spoiled m+ players too much.

That’s what’s frustrating about it. BoP isn’t preventing anything. It’s likely some sort of flag that has either been checked incorrectly. Regardless, it shouldn’t be happening.

Edit: The bop was applied to drop the sitchneedle bleed. It was cast while the hook was targeting a player and as soon as the bop landed the hook stopped tracking and then never fired off at all.

This fight is the McDonald’s Ice Cream Machine of fights. It feels like a real gamble as to whether or not it’s going to work.

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