Nerf Utgarde Keep XP farm in wrath

Nah these guys do. Min/maxing at least on my server is so common even some dads are planning to do this. Also sorry about your friends customs run

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This is absolutely 100% true

This is absolutely 100% true

in their party. Those who are

paying for a boost.

have no interest in being in their party. They might be coerced into it through lack of options, but thats not quite the same.

Of course, this is easily fixable by having an easy way to make groups with people from all over the game and not just your server, but sadly that got axed.

I never said Boomkins couldn’t do it. I said they are so slow it doesn’t matter because you can make as much XP just questing.

My understanding (based on the people I know who are doing this, which is quite a few) is that it will be paladins and mages.

Yea min/maxing means no gathering prof.

They cant hold any market on resources, none of them can gather lmfao.

They hitting 80 to start farming heroics and rep, not farm ore and herbs.

How does a troll survive on the forums long enough to get over 3000 posts…

I doubt you make 700k+ XP/hour questing.

Gotta love the mind state that WoW has to be played a certain way. Thought part of the joy of this game was thinking outside the boxing and having a unique experience. Turns out if you find any other way to level besides questing you’re ruining the game

Like a spoiled kid “I want to play this way so everyone else must play this way”. Let people play however they want don’t make this game so strict on everything so there’s only 1 viable way to do things.

Let people farm let people have fun. You want this game to last stop limiting people or watch you’ll lose more people playing and then it’ll be world of bot craft


It’s crazy they want a MMO to be played a certain way.

It literally goes against the spirit of the game.

It’s actually baffling people care this much on throw away toons on a prog server we all quitting in a year.

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It’s pretty obvious the player base that were clamoring for Classic Vanilla are not the player base that is playing now. Just compare the pre-beta Classic Vanilla forums to now.

I think all those people came played and quit lol. Now it’s us

Leveling the worst part about this game.

I said what I said.

Agreed. Leveling is brutal and god forbid you don’t quest

how does one ignore people in forums?

Those people quit because it wasn’t a legit progression server, it was 1.12 from the beginning, and on top of that it quickly became people farming thousands of gold to buy gear on Alts, no one wants to be around that and it attracts a certain type of player that wasn’t playing on pservers.

The past two weeks I’ve seen multiple people in gdkp discords advertise as hybrids with multiple toons, one guy had 2 warriors and a rogue, one warrior with both glaives, one rogue with both glaives, and then a second warrior with a mh glaive and thoridal. That’s not fun for anyone and that’s not how the game should be played.

I’ve been playing for 17 years, I was begging for classic before it was even a possibility, and I was playing on private servers for years (classic wrath and tbc), and at no point, even on cash shop servers, did I ever see the amount of gluttony that I have on retail classic. It’s unappealing to play, and the market is insanely inflated to the point that you have to play a certain way to succeed.

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Click on my icon, click view profile.

There is a drop down that should ATM say “normal” click ignore or mute.

Keep trying in vain to get each new aoe farm nerfed. Someone will find a way around it every time and I’ll continue to enjoy my boosts.

1.12 was stupid. To be fair to Blizzard though it was the smart move - even if they could go back and progressively change talents and gear. People just wouldn’t play if they were raiding MC with 1.1 talents and gear. They would be spending hours and hours in there.

That and pservers already had a bit of that lazy mentality as well. World Buffs and the expectations that X amount of time is too long in a raid.