Nerf Utgarde Keep XP farm in wrath

I would have said if they left boosting as it was and didn’t make all these dungeon changes to prevent it to leave this alone, but its kind of hypocritical to go after boosting and then still allow this to be done.

I just don’t understand why people care

“make ppl lvl slower so I can have a better game play experience”

does not compute



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I think there are definitely some folks who have zero interest in leveling and only do so because paying for a boost is an option. I suspect though that many more folks just pay for boosts because it’s the path of least resistance. With that option taken away, they’ll level through whatever other means are available.

While Blizzard’s changes with regards to boosting may have gone too far and are having a detrimental impact to legitimate players, initial reports do seem to suggest that in the absence of boosting, more people are just doing dungeons normally in TBC.

I would agree with that, but boosting fervor started in Classic Vanilla. It was incredibly popular in the late Blackwing Lair stages. So I do feel confident in my initial statement. It doesn’t apply to every individual, but definitely the community as a whole.

Obviously I’m not a troll.

Because of JJ and ‘getting ready for wrath’. Groups still fizzle and die before running just as often as before, many people aren’t even trying to join them anymore since questing has increased xp

Of course you are. You spend your time here baiting and being contrarian just to farm forum attention.

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I post my true views. I’m not contrarian.

Maybe… maybe not. Like I said, initial reports seem to suggest more engagement. We’ll see how things carry forward long term in WotLK.

I have my suspicions but you’re welcome to remain pessimistic :slight_smile:

For sure, but even the private server mentality (as watered down from OG Vanilla as it was) was in the minority of Classic. I’d argue that even Classic Vanilla was largely a QoL/Convenience driven player base - which was made worse as time went on.

For the majority of Classic Vanilla, raid bosses were loot pinatas. Then Naxx provided a small change to the “spread sheet” and magic formula by providing some small challenges and players didn’t know what to do. Guilds split and players folded like lawn chairs.

Boomkins can’t do it in 5 min, which was the point…

looking forward to this

I got into the beta, was pulling entire packs in howling fjord and sustaining my life through out all of them with corruption and drain life

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They can still do 5 runs an hour and make double what you’re making while questing…

The whole point of the solo run is to make MORE experience than you make questing.

Most classes can do it.

They may not be as efficient or as fast as a mage but that doesn’t mean it isn’t the fastest way for them to level.

It’s hard to gauge efficiency as dungeons always have the built-in advantage of never having to compete with anyone. This becomes increasingly imbalanced as more and more players migrate to the megaservers…which will they will continue to do in Wrath thanks to certain design decisions the Classic devs have made.

Even if it takes him 8 minutes to do both pulls that’s 158,100 experience in 8 minutes which is about six quest turn ins.

This is prolly wrong tbh, Boomies can’t do the 2nd pull most likely as the dragons can’t be CCd.

If he only does the first pull it’s around 80,000 XP in say 6 minutes.

That’s still 4 quest turn ins every 6 minutes when in reality most quests will take longer than 6 minutes just questing.

It’s still much faster than questing.

He can knock out 5 runs in say 35 minutes go out quest for 25 and do it again.

Yep. they are in dungeon…not rock/flower picking.

they aren’t picking rocks in dungeon either. They don’t got time for that.

greens…more than spammers ruin this really. people think too highly of those crap greens. even non farm/spammer types.

I can see even now a whole page of greens I could use charged at wth pricing. this wasn’t strath solo farmers. or SL/Slabs.

A. Strath not even the gear i am looking at.

B. many vendor sold it if not disenchant. time to AH is time lost to get max gold per hour.

Leave it alone who cares if people want to do that Is leveling to lot faster in wrath in comparison to TBC anyway unless beyond us most people do not like to level On top of that every class can do this just about the only classes I have not seen be able to pull this off in some way shape or form.

Is a rogue or shadow priest So if you can do it at least a little bit maybe it’s not as efficient or fast on the mage but you can still pull it off It’s fine.

what? do what with prices? hike WHAT prices?