Nerf Utgarde Keep XP farm in wrath

The prices in “muh economy” my boy
Does it affect their lives? Not at all
Will they cry about “muh economy”? Absolutely

You aren’t able to do this in TBC though. And why is that? You can blink away from mobs in TBC, but the enemies will catch up to you in like 5 seconds. That’s clearly not the case here because they’re all running slower. So I guess the mobs in Utgarde Keep just run slower?

If it’s not a bug, then it’s definitely an exploit that should be fixed. All mobs in the game right now run too fast for you to kite them without roots, and there’s a good reason for that.

I don’t know how much more wrong you could be and yet you sound so sure of yourself lol Mobs have different run speeds, you can absolutely maintain the same distance from many of them by running in a straight line away from them. It really isn’t that hard to test and kind of surprising you made it to 70 without ever noticing.

Could you provide me with a list of other mobs that literally run at the exact same speed as the player does?

The mobs in UK don’t run at the exact speed of a player they run faster.

If you notice the kite pulls of any class they use cc or use an escape like blink.

Even with run speed enchant they still catch you.

Mages use glyph of blink which makes blink 5 yards father to maintain the distance, the mobs also slow down when low health.

Most of the people here have no idea what they are talking about.

The mobs are faster.

You can literally watch my video of the first pull to see that.

Here it is again, sorry for discord they wouldn’t shut up about Tarkov and I didn’t know discord was also being recorded.

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Don’t matter what blizz does. People will find a way to exploit the game and use it to make money. Boosters have ruined this game. Why play the game if you can just pay someone to do it for you? Makes the game pointless. They make gold from carries and end up using it to rmt. 10 bucks US in other countries is enough to pay the rent for a month. Too good for them to pass up. Blizz will never fix this. Too much money for them.

You do realize leveling is like 1% of what you do in total in this game.

It will take you 30-45 hours to hit max level then play that toon for a full year of WOTLK.

People need to stop pretending leveling is the end game.

Just because you only care about endgame does NOT mean leveling doesn’t matter. You need to pretend that leveling is in the game.

It is in the game, it’s an annoying part of the game.

You can level as much as you want, you pay a sub fee and can play how you want.

That doesn’t mean everyone else wants to play that way.

For most people leveling is an annoyance you have to do to get to actually play the game.

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You are not contributing to fix the issue. Go away.

There is no issue other than “people aren’t playing the way I deem appropriate so im going to cry on the forums”.


Maybe you need to get off the forums with your 4k posts. Do you even play wow??

Changing the subject because you have no argument?

I will take that as you conceding.

If you look at the post I was replying to, they said that you could “maintain” a distance just by running away from them in a straight line. I wasn’t saying that the mobs in Utgarde Keep run at 100% player speed.

I’m fully aware of that. But in Vanilla or TBC, even with slows and snares, people still tend to exploit bugs to maintain a distance from enemies in dungeons. What exactly is the difference here in Utgarde Keep? Is it only the 5 extra yards with the Blink Glyph? I’m not familiar with Fire Mage DPS, is there some slow happening in the “kill phase” of this farm?

At the end of the day, I think it should be patched because this is clearly exploiting the game in a way that wasn’t intended.

Nice video by the way.

So I guess because you only have 24 posts, you’re a paragon of wisdom and knowledge? :stuck_out_tongue:

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You got nothing.

There is no pathing exploit or movement exploit.

The kill as you see in my video is just living bomb spam.

Blink glyph is why it’s possible as that 5 yards make it so the mobs will almost reach you before blink is back up.

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At least i’m not a forum loser that spends more time on forums then playing the actual game.

I have done more in this game than you ever have.

How’s sunwell prog going?

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No, I get that. My point was “this isn’t possible in Vanilla or TBC, but it is for some reason in Wrath? Obviously something is off here.”

Seems to me that the Blink glyph is veering out of its lane then. All dungeon mobs should have their movement speed buffed so that this simple glyph isn’t the key to mages being able to solo farm every dungeon, I think. I see no reason why they should allow it to happen.

Dang, you just made your post count go up by 1. You’re that much closer to being a forum loser. I have to wonder why you don’t say things of more substance with the few posts you’ll ever make?

So just break the solo farm for mages but the paladins and warrior tanks soloing is fine? Just leave it how it is the game is a mmorpg it’s meant to be explored and enjoyed in the way you want.

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